On 08/01/2017 21:29, howard posner wrote:

On Jan 8, 2017, at 12:11 PM, Rob MacKillop [1]<robmackil...@gmail.com> wrote:

  Excellent. I'd appreciate a good translation of the French...

Google Translate renders "le son des grosses chordes de Luth est apperceu de Tor
eille durant la sixiesme partie,  ou le tiers d'vne minutec'est à dire pendant 
ue Tartere du poux d'un homme sain"


"The sound of the large strings of Luth is seen from the ear during the sixth pa
rt, or the third of a minute is to be said while the tartar of the lice of a hea
lthy man"

I don't know you can improve on that.

   Top notch! Who needs translators?


   1. mailto:robmackil...@gmail.com

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