A musician friend of mine, who majored in physics in college,
wrote a song: 
  "Between atrophy and entropy we haven't got a chance … "
I think that applies here ,

Tom Draughon
Heartistry Music
714 9th Ave. W.
Ashland, WI  54806

On Feb 12, 2017, at 12:08 PM, John Mardinly <john.mardi...@asu.edu> wrote:

>   So my suspicion that it could drive you nuts was well founded. Sounds
>   like you may be an under-appreciated hero to Lutedom.
>   A. John Mardinly, Ph.D., P.E.
>   Retired Principal Materials Nanoanalysis Engineer
>   On Feb 12, 2017, at 7:33 AM, LSA Lute Rental Program
>   <[1]lsaluteren...@gmail.com> wrote:
>   John,
>   You are quite right and that would do much to solve the roundness
>   problem.  But my other problem is that the rental lutes are stored in 3
>   places across the US and since they are rentals they are rented out to
>   people.  This means we don't have access to the lutes because they are
>   in the hands of the renters...sometimes for several years at a time.
>   There are lutes in the collection that I have never even seen in person
>   much less put my hands on so I can do things like you suggest.  That is
>   why I wish I could put PegHedz on them all--because I can't care for
>   the friction pegs and even though I may ask renters to do so they are
>   renters and not owners and sometimes their motivation to be thorough in
>   care is, well, somewhat diminished to put it mildly.  I also think
>   renters would benefit from them as, to me, tuning is much easier and
>   for people who are renting (this almost always means they are new to
>   the lute--which is why they are renting) it would be, in my opinion, a
>   benefit.
>   But this is all just theoretical since we don't have the money it costs
>   to replace the pegs.  So we will live with what we have and I will deal
>   with peg problems as they come up.
>   Michael
>   Michael M. Grant, PhD
>   Director, Lute Rental Program
>   Member, Board of Directors
>   [uc?id9TJhsqVKmGMNWhuR19WWXJYQU0&amp;export=download]
>   [2]www.lutesocietyofamerica.org
>   On Sat, Feb 11, 2017 at 11:46 PM, John Mardinly
>   <[3]john.mardi...@asu.edu> wrote:
>   Michael;
>   With standard pegs, they won't go out of round if you maintain them
>   properly. That means loosening the peg by turning it and pulling out a
>   bit so that there is just light pressure between the wooden parts. That
>   compensates for the dimensional changes caused by humidity changes. Of
>   course that throws the instrument out of tune, which means you might
>   need to re-tune it, and if you have 42 lutes……you will need extra
>   staff, medical marijuana or psychiatric treatment.
>   However, you probably already know this.
>   A. John Mardinly, Ph.D., P.E.
>   Retired Principal Materials Nanoanalysis Engineer
>   On Feb 11, 2017, at 5:32 PM, LSA Lute Rental Program
>   <[4]lsaluteren...@gmail.com> wrote:
>     About once a year the topic of planetary tuners comes up on this
>     listserve.   People weigh in for and against, sometimes (like last
>     year) the discussion gets overheated as some who are against cite
>     historical authenticity and other factors as reasons against and
>   those
>     who are for them cite the "make it easy on yourself--adopt modern
>     methods" position to support their use.
>     Then, after the dust settles, we discover we are pretty much evenly
>     split for and against and the issue dies down only to rise again in
>   12
>     months.
>     For those who do not wish to use planetary tuners, the most notable
>     example of which is PegHedz, their best approach is not to use them.
>     For those, like me, who have used them and like them very much
>   indeed,
>     the best approach is to keep using them.   I have 42 instruments in
>   the
>     LSA's lute rental collection and if I had the money to do so I would
>     install PegHedz on every single one.   The LSA neither supports nor
>     does not support the use of any particular tuner, including friction
>     pegs or planetary tuners such as PegHedz.   I am only telling you
>   that
>     I think they are such a valuable resource that I would put them on
>   all
>     the lutes if it could be afforded.   It can't so I won't.   But if I
>     did it would forever eliminate the problem that aging lutes have of
>     pegs that become out of round and needing replacing or retooling.
>   It
>     would also make tuning much easier for beginners--but that is just my
>     opinion.
>     So it seems best for us to use what we like as tuners and focus on
>   the
>     music we make with the strings.   Let us all continue to make
>   beautiful
>     music no matter what method we use to tension our strings.
>     Michael
>     On Sat, Feb 11, 2017 at 5:53 PM Charles Mokotoff
>     <[1][5]mokot...@gmail.com> wrote:
>          Seems we are about 50/50 split on the peghedz...
>          FWIW, I have used this device:
>       [1][2][6]https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-
>   3A__www.amazon.com_Ernie-2DBall-2DPowerpeg-2DBattery-
>   2DPowered_dp_&d=DQIBAg&c=AGbYxfJbXK67KfXyGqyv2Ejiz41FqQuZFk4A-1IxfAU&r=
>   MAuGvnWTcVQkxORgQD0QS50ZicPM3Nw-61ygSK-LNEQ&m=NIRfj-
>   oODuubeNdT31nk3d6Py8Hum4Es2kpGPoRLDp4&s=Z3rK7eE8clhRRlhovKEvSBAiguoaVa
>   ubyu-ARWOJktY&e=
>       B0019H
>          6750/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid86853424&sr=8-1&
>          to get around the tedium of string changing, its sort of fun
>       actually,
>          and fits my pegs fine. Admittedly, once I got the set correct, I
>       change
>          lute strings very rarely.
>          On Sat, Feb 11, 2017 at 5:10 PM, <[2][3][7]jsl...@verizon.net>
>       wrote:
>               Dear All,
>                I really don't think the planetary tuning pegs are
>       necessary for
>            a
>               lute with good-fitting pegs. I find that a small amount of
>       violin
>            "peg
>               dope" -- the hard, waxy type, not the softer gooey type --
>       is all
>            the
>               help my lute and vihuela pegs need.
>                On the other hand, I did get them installed on my cittern,
>       and
>            they
>               are a godsend. So, like Ms. Carlin, I would recommend them
>       for
>               wire-strung instruments, which have greater tuning
>       difficulties.
>               Cheers,
>               Jim Stimson
>               On 02/11/17, Roman Turovsky<[3][4][8]r.turov...@gmail.com>
>       wrote:
>               A question for the Collective Wisdom:
>               Looking for opinions on planetary tuners for lutes or
>       vihuelas,
>               cautionary tales, where to get them, which brands, how to
>       install
>            etc.
>               Thank ye all,
>               RT
>               To get on or off this list see list information at
>       [1][4][5][9]https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/
>   url?u=http-3A__www.cs.dartmouth.edu_-7Ewbc_lute-
>   2Dadmin_index.html&d=DQIBAg&c=AGbYxfJbXK67KfXyGqyv2Ejiz41FqQ
>   uZFk4A-1IxfAU&r=MAuGvnWTcVQkxORgQD0QS50ZicPM3Nw-61ygSK-LNEQ&m=NIRfj-
>   oODuubeNdT31nk3d6Py8Hum4Es2kpGPoRLDp4&s=-3VZ_
>   SKtkLan7EGUsXQlVPSOKFA6y5CUtYu2eQmR9Nc&e=
>            References
>               1. [5][6][10]https://urldefense.
>   proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__www.cs.dartmouth.edu_&d=DQIBAg&c=
>   AGbYxfJbXK67KfXyGqyv2Ejiz41FqQuZFk4A-1IxfAU&r=
>   MAuGvnWTcVQkxORgQD0QS50ZicPM3Nw-61ygSK-LNEQ&m=NIRfj-
>   oODuubeNdT31nk3d6Py8Hum4Es2kpGPoRLDp4&s=0T6I0n77iHZPaiNDyIYUbPRFtNAlqu
>   bFoXqthtwgw2E&e=
>          --
>       References
>          1.
>       [7][11]https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-
>   3A__www.amazon.com_Ernie-2DBall-2DPowerpeg-2DBattery-
>   2DPowered_dp_B00&d=DQIBAg&c=AGbYxfJbXK67KfXyGqyv2Ejiz41FqQ
>   uZFk4A-1IxfAU&r=MAuGvnWTcVQkxORgQD0QS50ZicPM3Nw-61ygSK-LNEQ&m=NIRfj-
>   oODuubeNdT31nk3d6Py8Hum4Es2kpGPoRLDp4&s=DLX6bLYV7DW3C884UbnwSVCAD3QZvt
>   fbUKWA-8Lz2sQ&e=
>       19H6750/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid86853424&sr=8-1&
>          2. mailto:[8][12]jsl...@verizon.net
>          3. mailto:[9][13]r.turov...@gmail.com
>          4. [10][14]https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-
>   3A__www.cs.dartmouth.edu_-7Ewbc_lute-2Dadmin_index.html&d=DQIBAg&c=
>   AGbYxfJbXK67KfXyGqyv2Ejiz41FqQuZFk4A-1IxfAU&r=
>   MAuGvnWTcVQkxORgQD0QS50ZicPM3Nw-61ygSK-LNEQ&m=NIRfj-
>   oODuubeNdT31nk3d6Py8Hum4Es2kpGPoRLDp4&s=-3VZ_
>   SKtkLan7EGUsXQlVPSOKFA6y5CUtYu2eQmR9Nc&e=
>          5. [11][15]https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-
>   3A__www.cs.dartmouth.edu_&d=DQIBAg&c=AGbYxfJbXK67KfXyGqyv2Ejiz41FqQ
>   uZFk4A-1IxfAU&r=MAuGvnWTcVQkxORgQD0QS50ZicPM3Nw-61ygSK-LNEQ&m=NIRfj-
>   oODuubeNdT31nk3d6Py8Hum4Es2kpGPoRLDp4&s=0T6I0n77iHZPaiNDyIYUbPRFtNAlqu
>   bFoXqthtwgw2E&e=
>     --
>     Sent from Gmail Mobile
>     --
>   References
>     1. [16]mailto:mokot...@gmail.com
>     2. [17]https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__www.
>   amazon.com_Ernie-2DBall-2DPowerpeg-2DBattery-
>   2DPowered_dp_B0019H&d=DQIBAg&c=AGbYxfJbXK67KfXyGqyv2Ejiz41FqQ
>   uZFk4A-1IxfAU&r=MAuGvnWTcVQkxORgQD0QS50ZicPM3Nw-61ygSK-LNEQ&m=NIRfj-
>   oODuubeNdT31nk3d6Py8Hum4Es2kpGPoRLDp4&s=uIle5uAY0ZOwslAXzKkVg72jGnNWfb
>   0p9aPL93UDVmA&e=
>     3. [18]mailto:jsl...@verizon.net
>     4. [19]mailto:r.turov...@gmail.com
>     5. [20]https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__www.cs.
>   dartmouth.edu_-7Ewbc_lute-2Dadmin_index.html&d=DQIBAg&c=
>   AGbYxfJbXK67KfXyGqyv2Ejiz41FqQuZFk4A-1IxfAU&r=
>   MAuGvnWTcVQkxORgQD0QS50ZicPM3Nw-61ygSK-LNEQ&m=NIRfj-
>   oODuubeNdT31nk3d6Py8Hum4Es2kpGPoRLDp4&s=-3VZ_
>   SKtkLan7EGUsXQlVPSOKFA6y5CUtYu2eQmR9Nc&e=
>     6. [21]https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__www.cs.
>   dartmouth.edu_&d=DQIBAg&c=AGbYxfJbXK67KfXyGqyv2Ejiz41FqQ
>   uZFk4A-1IxfAU&r=MAuGvnWTcVQkxORgQD0QS50ZicPM3Nw-61ygSK-LNEQ&m=NIRfj-
>   oODuubeNdT31nk3d6Py8Hum4Es2kpGPoRLDp4&s=0T6I0n77iHZPaiNDyIYUbPRFtNAlqu
>   bFoXqthtwgw2E&e=
>     7. [22]https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__www.
>   amazon.com_Ernie-2DBall-2DPowerpeg-2DBattery-
>   2DPowered_dp_B0019H6750_ref-3Dsr-5F1-5F1-3Fie-3DUTF8-
>   26qid-3D1486853424-26sr-3D8-2D1-26&d=DQIBAg&c=
>   AGbYxfJbXK67KfXyGqyv2Ejiz41FqQuZFk4A-1IxfAU&r=
>   MAuGvnWTcVQkxORgQD0QS50ZicPM3Nw-61ygSK-LNEQ&m=NIRfj-
>   oODuubeNdT31nk3d6Py8Hum4Es2kpGPoRLDp4&s=r6Hcio0uW4wIvGNuBD1gTvvI0YxS3w
>   lJYRQda9Pfyec&e=
>     8. [23]mailto:jsl...@verizon.net
>     9. [24]mailto:r.turov...@gmail.com
>    10. [25]https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__www.cs.
>   dartmouth.edu_-7Ewbc_lute-2Dadmin_index.html&d=DQIBAg&c=
>   AGbYxfJbXK67KfXyGqyv2Ejiz41FqQuZFk4A-1IxfAU&r=
>   MAuGvnWTcVQkxORgQD0QS50ZicPM3Nw-61ygSK-LNEQ&m=NIRfj-
>   oODuubeNdT31nk3d6Py8Hum4Es2kpGPoRLDp4&s=-3VZ_
>   SKtkLan7EGUsXQlVPSOKFA6y5CUtYu2eQmR9Nc&e=
>    11. [26]https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__www.cs.
>   dartmouth.edu_&d=DQIBAg&c=AGbYxfJbXK67KfXyGqyv2Ejiz41FqQ
>   uZFk4A-1IxfAU&r=MAuGvnWTcVQkxORgQD0QS50ZicPM3Nw-61ygSK-LNEQ&m=NIRfj-
>   oODuubeNdT31nk3d6Py8Hum4Es2kpGPoRLDp4&s=0T6I0n77iHZPaiNDyIYUbPRFtNAlqu
>   bFoXqthtwgw2E&e=
> References
>   1. mailto:lsaluteren...@gmail.com
>   2. 
> https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__www.lutesocietyofamerica.org&d=DQMFaQ&c=AGbYxfJbXK67KfXyGqyv2Ejiz41FqQuZFk4A-1IxfAU&r=MAuGvnWTcVQkxORgQD0QS50ZicPM3Nw-61ygSK-LNEQ&m=jdKpW6SzC5s-hQE0jzbvR6drB3G7mqrdHmdM9JsJz1c&s=ynykuOoqfB2V08wafV75jlLbEZY1EeO1YckcxRIZUs8&e=
>   3. mailto:john.mardi...@asu.edu
>   4. mailto:lsaluteren...@gmail.com
>   5. mailto:mokot...@gmail.com
>   6. 
> https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__www.amazon.com_Ernie-2DBall-2DPowerpeg-2DBattery-2DPowered_dp_&d=DQIBAg&c=AGbYxfJbXK67KfXyGqyv2Ejiz41FqQuZFk4A-1IxfAU&r=MAuGvnWTcVQkxORgQD0QS50ZicPM3Nw-61ygSK-LNEQ&m=NIRfj-oODuubeNdT31nk3d6Py8Hum4Es2kpGPoRLDp4&s=Z3rK7eE8clhRRlhovKEvSBAiguoaVaubyu-ARWOJktY&e=
>   7. mailto:jsl...@verizon.net
>   8. mailto:r.turov...@gmail.com
>   9. 
> https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__www.cs.dartmouth.edu_-7Ewbc_lute-2Dadmin_index.html&d=DQIBAg&c=AGbYxfJbXK67KfXyGqyv2Ejiz41FqQuZFk4A-1IxfAU&r=MAuGvnWTcVQkxORgQD0QS50ZicPM3Nw-61ygSK-LNEQ&m=NIRfj-oODuubeNdT31nk3d6Py8Hum4Es2kpGPoRLDp4&s=-3VZ_SKtkLan7EGUsXQlVPSOKFA6y5CUtYu2eQmR9Nc&e=
>  10. 
> https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__www.cs.dartmouth.edu_&d=DQIBAg&c=AGbYxfJbXK67KfXyGqyv2Ejiz41FqQuZFk4A-1IxfAU&r=MAuGvnWTcVQkxORgQD0QS50ZicPM3Nw-61ygSK-LNEQ&m=NIRfj-oODuubeNdT31nk3d6Py8Hum4Es2kpGPoRLDp4&s=0T6I0n77iHZPaiNDyIYUbPRFtNAlqubFoXqthtwgw2E&e=
>  11. 
> https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__www.amazon.com_Ernie-2DBall-2DPowerpeg-2DBattery-2DPowered_dp_B00&d=DQIBAg&c=AGbYxfJbXK67KfXyGqyv2Ejiz41FqQuZFk4A-1IxfAU&r=MAuGvnWTcVQkxORgQD0QS50ZicPM3Nw-61ygSK-LNEQ&m=NIRfj-oODuubeNdT31nk3d6Py8Hum4Es2kpGPoRLDp4&s=DLX6bLYV7DW3C884UbnwSVCAD3QZvtfbUKWA-8Lz2sQ&e=
>  12. mailto:jsl...@verizon.net
>  13. mailto:r.turov...@gmail.com
>  14. 
> https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__www.cs.dartmouth.edu_-7Ewbc_lute-2Dadmin_index.html&d=DQIBAg&c=AGbYxfJbXK67KfXyGqyv2Ejiz41FqQuZFk4A-1IxfAU&r=MAuGvnWTcVQkxORgQD0QS50ZicPM3Nw-61ygSK-LNEQ&m=NIRfj-oODuubeNdT31nk3d6Py8Hum4Es2kpGPoRLDp4&s=-3VZ_SKtkLan7EGUsXQlVPSOKFA6y5CUtYu2eQmR9Nc&e=
>  15. 
> https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__www.cs.dartmouth.edu_&d=DQIBAg&c=AGbYxfJbXK67KfXyGqyv2Ejiz41FqQuZFk4A-1IxfAU&r=MAuGvnWTcVQkxORgQD0QS50ZicPM3Nw-61ygSK-LNEQ&m=NIRfj-oODuubeNdT31nk3d6Py8Hum4Es2kpGPoRLDp4&s=0T6I0n77iHZPaiNDyIYUbPRFtNAlqubFoXqthtwgw2E&e=
>  16. mailto:mokot...@gmail.com
>  17. 
> https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__www.amazon.com_Ernie-2DBall-2DPowerpeg-2DBattery-2DPowered_dp_B0019H&d=DQIBAg&c=AGbYxfJbXK67KfXyGqyv2Ejiz41FqQuZFk4A-1IxfAU&r=MAuGvnWTcVQkxORgQD0QS50ZicPM3Nw-61ygSK-LNEQ&m=NIRfj-oODuubeNdT31nk3d6Py8Hum4Es2kpGPoRLDp4&s=uIle5uAY0ZOwslAXzKkVg72jGnNWfb0p9aPL93UDVmA&e=
>  18. mailto:jsl...@verizon.net
>  19. mailto:r.turov...@gmail.com
>  20. 
> https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__www.cs.dartmouth.edu_-7Ewbc_lute-2Dadmin_index.html&d=DQIBAg&c=AGbYxfJbXK67KfXyGqyv2Ejiz41FqQuZFk4A-1IxfAU&r=MAuGvnWTcVQkxORgQD0QS50ZicPM3Nw-61ygSK-LNEQ&m=NIRfj-oODuubeNdT31nk3d6Py8Hum4Es2kpGPoRLDp4&s=-3VZ_SKtkLan7EGUsXQlVPSOKFA6y5CUtYu2eQmR9Nc&e=
>  21. 
> https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__www.cs.dartmouth.edu_&d=DQIBAg&c=AGbYxfJbXK67KfXyGqyv2Ejiz41FqQuZFk4A-1IxfAU&r=MAuGvnWTcVQkxORgQD0QS50ZicPM3Nw-61ygSK-LNEQ&m=NIRfj-oODuubeNdT31nk3d6Py8Hum4Es2kpGPoRLDp4&s=0T6I0n77iHZPaiNDyIYUbPRFtNAlqubFoXqthtwgw2E&e=
>  22. 
> https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__www.amazon.com_Ernie-2DBall-2DPowerpeg-2DBattery-2DPowered_dp_B0019H6750_ref-3Dsr-5F1-5F1-3Fie-3DUTF8-26qid-3D1486853424-26sr-3D8-2D1-26&d=DQIBAg&c=AGbYxfJbXK67KfXyGqyv2Ejiz41FqQuZFk4A-1IxfAU&r=MAuGvnWTcVQkxORgQD0QS50ZicPM3Nw-61ygSK-LNEQ&m=NIRfj-oODuubeNdT31nk3d6Py8Hum4Es2kpGPoRLDp4&s=r6Hcio0uW4wIvGNuBD1gTvvI0YxS3wlJYRQda9Pfyec&e=
>  23. mailto:jsl...@verizon.net
>  24. mailto:r.turov...@gmail.com
>  25. 
> https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__www.cs.dartmouth.edu_-7Ewbc_lute-2Dadmin_index.html&d=DQIBAg&c=AGbYxfJbXK67KfXyGqyv2Ejiz41FqQuZFk4A-1IxfAU&r=MAuGvnWTcVQkxORgQD0QS50ZicPM3Nw-61ygSK-LNEQ&m=NIRfj-oODuubeNdT31nk3d6Py8Hum4Es2kpGPoRLDp4&s=-3VZ_SKtkLan7EGUsXQlVPSOKFA6y5CUtYu2eQmR9Nc&e=
>  26. 
> https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__www.cs.dartmouth.edu_&d=DQIBAg&c=AGbYxfJbXK67KfXyGqyv2Ejiz41FqQuZFk4A-1IxfAU&r=MAuGvnWTcVQkxORgQD0QS50ZicPM3Nw-61ygSK-LNEQ&m=NIRfj-oODuubeNdT31nk3d6Py8Hum4Es2kpGPoRLDp4&s=0T6I0n77iHZPaiNDyIYUbPRFtNAlqubFoXqthtwgw2E&e=


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