I technically posted an example of quodlibet. But what you've done is
   in fact precisely the same as a mashup, wherein two disparate source
   pieces are overlaid, often with one source requiring a change of pitch
   and/or tempo. Mashups don't mean that you've edited the parts, that
   would be more like sampling or looping in digital audio production.
   Mashups require that you HAVEN'T EDITED THE PARTS. The mashup as a
   genre is only popular in the first place because the "evidence" you're
   claiming can be "discovered" with pretty much any two pieces of music,
   given matching tempi and key.
   It's just that mashups aren't real evidence. The claim you are making
   and the manner in which you are making it has precisely the same
   academic weight as if you were saying "if you start Pink Floyd's "Dark
   Side of the Moon' after the 2nd roar of the MGM lion at the beginning
   of The Wizard of Oz, you can clearly see that L. Frank Baum was a HUGE
   PINK FLOYD FAN." All you're showing us right now is the result of a
   phenomenon called apophenia. Indulging apophenia can be wildly
   entertaining and the results may even become a new piece of art in
   their own right, but research it is not.
   I like that you're thinking about similarities, but I'd just expect
   more rigor from someone who says they're a musicologist. I'm sorry, but
   even if your claims were correct your mashups on their own still
   wouldn't hold any water. Show us actual research that supports your
   But most of all, please stop addressing the list as though we are all
   Jacob Johnson
   On Thu, Feb 8, 2018 at 12:51 PM, Tristan von Neumann
   <[2]tristanvonneum...@gmx.de> wrote:

     it's not a mash-up, I *DID NOT EDIT THE TRACKS!!!!*
     I just placed them above each other and pitched the lute to the
     pitch of the Raga!
     How do you expect to do editing in 30 mins??
     here are the original source tracks:
     (this reveals the identity of the lutist)

   Am 08.02.2018 um 19:39 schrieb Jacob Johnson:

         If a mashup counts as "evidence", then I humbly submit for the
         consideration the following:
         #bigiftrue #staywoke #wakeupsheeple
         What blows my mind is how incredibly confrontational your tone
     is in
         nearly everything you post here, Tristan. It's cringey and
     strikes me
         as condescending.
         Jacob Johnson
         1. [7]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7OYkWSW7u4k&;
         2. [8]http://www.johnsonguitarstudio.com/
         3. tel:[9](469) 237-0625
     To get on or off this list see list information at



   1. http://www.johnsonguitarstudio.com/
   2. mailto:tristanvonneum...@gmx.de
   3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xnbbk7_tFDo
   4. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nCL2fpacwYA
   5. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7OYkWSW7u4k&;
   6. http://www.johnsonguitarstudio.com/
   7. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7OYkWSW7u4k&;
   8. http://www.johnsonguitarstudio.com/
   9. tel:(469) 237-0625
  10. http://www.cs.dartmouth.edu/~wbc/lute-admin/index.html

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