Maybe because, firstly much of the music composed for lute today is
   incredibly trite and uninteresting when set against the works of the
   great composers of the renaissance and the baroque period (personally I
   feel there is so much historic repertory yet to discover that I am not
   at all interested in spending time on second-rate rehash) and secondly,
   the majority of composers writing for lute seem to be completely
   oblivious to all the developments in contemporary music which have led
   to some works of extraordinary beauty and sophistication for
   instruments and formations of all shapes and sizes, a million miles
   away from much of the insipid fodder being pushed our way.
    On 14/03/2018 22:33, Gilbert Isbin wrote:

Why is the lute world ruled by early music ?
   Why are 90 or 95% of the lutenists afraid to play new music for the
   lute ?
   Why did guitarists, recorder players, cellists, pianists , oud players
   etc. took the challenge to play today's music and the lute world almost
   - with a very few exeptions - doesn't ?
   Why are luteplayers afraid to play something different ?
   Why do lutenists think the lute must be played with a very specific
   approach ?
   Why are lots of lutenists looking down at lutenists who are trying to
   do something else with the instrument, with other techniques, new
   What is the future for the lute music if it stays to be that dogmatic ?
   I guess Dowland and all the other wonderful lutes composers would have
   a good laugh with the today's lute world approach to the instrument.

   With kind regards,

   Met vriendelijke groeten,

   Bien cordialement,
   Gilbert Isbin



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