>On a more "philosophical" view: wasn't it better to allow young
   luthiers to
   have a market instead of put this also in the hands of Chinese mass
   building? If young luthiers will not have a market and will not be able
   grow up professionally to the verge of the art, what you will get in a
   years is the same standard, cheap instruments, maybe good enough but
   I just found this message from Francesco (in the wrong mail folder) and
   have to say thanks for your words of wisdom on the subject.  One might
   say that LLD got what they deserved by seeking out a low-budget
   producer of their instruments.  The reason goods from that particular
   locale are inexpensive is because 1) they pay their workers a pittance,
   and 2) their business practices follow a path quite divergent from
   those of the west.
   While it is a good thing to take steps to make lutes more affordable to
   a broader public, it would be a better thing to look at the problem
   from a wide perspective.  If we care about cultivating an appreciation
   for the lute and its music, we should care about cultivating the craft
   skill of making lutes.  Why not put energy (and money) into apprentice
   programs to train the next generation of luthiers?  The shortage of
   skilled luthiers is a very serious problem, and having a local luthier
   would be a blessing.

   From: lute-...@new-old-mail.cs.dartmouth.edu
   <lute-...@new-old-mail.cs.dartmouth.edu> on behalf of Francesco
   Tribioli <tribi...@arcetri.inaf.it>
   Sent: Friday, September 20, 2019 10:08 AM
   To: 'David van Ooijen' <davidvanooi...@gmail.com>
   Cc: 'Lute List' <lute@cs.dartmouth.edu>
   Subject: [LUTE] Re: Thomann Canterella and LLD lutes

   Exactly. In my opinion the right violation can be only on the brand
   mark, if
   it has been registered and if Thomann lutes had it on them. There could
   be a copyright on a lute design, in my opinion, as they are from
   designs which are public domain. Probably if the LDD rosette was a very
   special design they could register it but it is a standard original
   that every luthier has used once in his life.
   It is like the copyright on fonts. One can copyright the font file,
   that is
   the computer instructions that permit the rendering of the typeface on
   screen and printer, but cannot copyright the typeface, the actual
   aspect of
   the characters. If there is some special lute feature exclusive of LDD
   lutes, that could be copyrighted, but if they are "almost" traditional
   think everyone is authorized to make an identical lute. At the end it
   even difficult to say if the plan used is protected. In principle yes,
   one could have copied one of the already built lutes, as it is usually
   with the museum lutes, and have his own plane.
   To be honest, in this case it seems there is not even a guarantee that
   lutes didn't come from the same factory. If this is the case both
   and LDD have been tricked by the Chinese makers and LDD should complain
   the Chinese maker, if there is a contract of exclusive supply. If the
   Chinese didn't sign a contract in exclusive they might even be in their
   right to sell the same lute to other brands...
   On a more "philosophical" view: wasn't it better to allow young
   luthiers to
   have a market instead of put this also in the hands of Chinese mass
   building? If young luthiers will not have a market and will not be able
   grow up professionally to the verge of the art, what you will get in a
   years is the same standard, cheap instruments, maybe good enough but
   > -----Messaggio originale-----
   > Da: lute-...@new-old-mail.cs.dartmouth.edu <lute-arc@new-old-
   > mail.cs.dartmouth.edu> Per conto di David van Ooijen
   > Inviato: venerdì 20 settembre 2019 11:00
   > Cc: Lute List <lute@cs.dartmouth.edu>
   > Oggetto: [LUTE] Re: Thomann Canterella and LLD lutes
   >    I think the author of the video is too quick in accusing Thomann
   >    instead of the Chinese supplier. Chinese suppliers of copied
   >    instruments often use the pictures  from the originals, and not
   >    their own work. If you go internet shopping for a cheap Chinese
   >    Fender or fancy jazz guitar, you'll find the suppliers use the
   >    taken from the websites of the original guitars, and not pictures
   >    what you will actually get. I'm sure Thomann violates copyright
   laws by
   >    distributing these instruments, if they actually did because in
   all the
   >    stories I haven't heard anyone yet who actually bought one of the
   >    Thomann Chanterelle copycat lutes, but I think the focus of LDD
   >     be at looking at what's going on at their Chinese lute supplier.
   >    On a side note. I'm interested in the copyright on a historically
   >    accurate lute. If a luthier makes a historically accurate lute,
   >    copyright are you infringing if you make that same historically
   >    accurate  lute?
   >    David
   >    *******************************
   >    David van Ooijen
   >    [1]davidvanooi...@gmail.com
   >    [2]www.davidvanooijen.nl
   >    *******************************
   >    On Fri, 20 Sep 2019 at 10:39, Anthony Hind
   >    <[3]agno3ph...@mail.cs.dartmouth.edu> wrote:
   >         Dear Bruno and other Lutenists
   >                Following on from questions raised by Bruno Carneiro
   >      others
   >         about Thomann Canterlla lutes being possible copies of LLD
   >      I see
   >         Braedon Hofmann has posted this video about this question:
   >         [1][4]https://youtu.be/VcOIeVwCOv0
   >         Regards
   >         Anthony
   >         [2]Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone
   >         --
   >      References
   >         1. [5]https://youtu.be/VcOIeVwCOv0
   >         2. [6]https://yho.com/footer0
   >      To get on or off this list see list information at
   >      [7]http://www.cs.dartmouth.edu/~wbc/lute-admin/index.html
   >    --
   > References
   >    1. [1]mailto:davidvanooi...@gmail.com
   >    2. [2]http://www.davidvanooijen.nl/
   >    3. [3]mailto:agno3ph...@mail.cs.dartmouth.edu
   >    4. [4]https://youtu.be/VcOIeVwCOv0
   >    5. [5]https://youtu.be/VcOIeVwCOv0
   >    6. [6]https://yho.com/footer0
   >    7. [7]http://www.cs.dartmouth.edu/~wbc/lute-admin/index.html

   Virus-free. [8]www.avast.com



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