Hello All

The LLDP package is now online at the following link


There is a short ReadMe on integrating the LLDP into the LwIP and the
application layer. I hope it is useful for others.

Amit Ashara

On Mon, Oct 24, 2016 at 9:29 AM, Amit Ashara <ashara.a...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello Sergio
> I run a windows system and Unix does not allow to run Git. I would
> definitely put in the ReadMe document.
> I will try to see if I can run Git on Windows system, but then which Git
> branch do I need to pull in and what permissions I need to have. The one
> listed on savannah does not seem to work on TI's windows system, so need to
> double check.
> Regards
> Amit
> On Mon, Oct 24, 2016 at 7:54 AM, Sergio R. Caprile <scapr...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> If you run a un*x flavor, you can have a fresh 1.4.1 tree and your
>> modified tree, and run a simple 'diff -pu -r fresh mod >lldp.patch'
>> standing at the parent for both trees.
>> A readme will be nice in case the developers decide not to include it as
>> built-in and there is 'user installation' needed for interested parties.
>> Your chances of it being considered for inclusion might improve if you
>> patch against git head instead of 1.4.1
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