Tony wrote:
The aim is to only allow n open TCP connection at a time, and reject all further connection requests. This worked reasonably well in 1.3.2, but now fails in 2.0.2.
HOWEVER: this n+1 connection terminates the very 1st connection (takes over the 1st PCB?).

Although it's strange it's like that, this is expected behaviour of tcp_alloc(). I compared 2.0.2 to 1.3.2 and I don't really see a difference though... Anyway, the pcb limitation might not be the correct solution. A listen backlog might better do what you want. If you want to stay with your pcb limitation, try calling "tcp_setprio(newpcb, TCP_PRIO_MAX);" after you allocate the first n pcbs. That should prevent tcp_alloc from reusing them.

Now, if I leave all previous connections open and make a n+1 connection (the 6th connection in this example) I hit an exception (the processor tries to access memory that does not exists and I hit the exception handler in the MCU).

Now this indeed looks like a bug in your port, not in lwIP.

I narrowed down the origin of the fatal exception in tcp_alloc() to the code following this comment: /* zero out the whole pcb, so there is no need to initialize members to zero */

The problem at that point seems to be that a struct tcp_pcb_listen (that is still in use) is reused and overwritten as a struct tcp_pcb...

Ehrm, the pcb that is used there should *NOT* be a listen pcb. It comes from the MEMP_TCP_PCB pool, so it's a standard pcb. Why do you think it's a listen pcb which is still in use? This lets me think you have a port problem...

Is there a way to simply "tell" LWIP to "refuse" further connections?

As I wrote above, give your other connections a higher prio so new connections won't kill the existing ones.

Are there things that I might have missed that need to be changed in my application, when going from 1.3.2 to 2.0.2?

None that I know of. If you find any, please let us know!


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