So, I found the problem on my end:
The initialization code was called twice...

The first time when NETIF was UP, the second time when DHCP got an
IP-address... (And the initialization the second time obviously was badly
written and screwed up the list of lpcbs)

I guess this behaved differently in 1.3.2, as in 2.0.2 there was a split
between link and netif.

Sorry to have bothered you with such a rookie mistake...

(Now I have still problem with reset packages for the n+1 connections...
But this time I will debug more before posting...)

On 4 August 2017 at 11:55, Tony <> wrote:

> _tcppcb = tcp_new();
> ...
> tcp_bind(_tcppcb, IP_ADDR_ANY, _port);
> // tcp deallocates _pcb, see wiki of lwIP
> struct tcp_pcb * listen_pcb = tcp_listen(_tcppcb);
> ...
> _tcppcb = listen_pcb;
> tcp_accept(_tcppcb, _netsrv_accept_cb);
> On 4 August 2017 at 11:43, Tony <> wrote:
>> One more observation from a debugging session (with n=2) with these
>> settings
>> #define MEMP_NUM_TCP_PCB                2
>> #define MEMP_NUM_TCP_PCB_LISTEN         2
>> (Hex numbers are addresses of pcbs or lpcbs)
>> Two listening lpcb initially:
>> 0xb78c
>> 0xb76c
>> The first two connections use the following pcbs:
>> 0xbab4    (pcb first connection)
>> 0xba18    (pcb second connection)
>> n+1 (third connection in this example) gets this pcb
>> 0xbab4    (reuses pcb from first connection)
>> => Now we have "lost" the lpcb 0xb76c !!!
>> n+2 gets this pcb
>> 0xb76c (this was the starting address of first "listening pcb", this
>> "normal pcb will overlap with second lpcb !!!)
>> => This overwrites the "last remaining" listening pcb !!!
>> If I leave MEMP_NUM_TCP_PCB at 2, but increase the
>> MEMP_NUM_TCP_PCB_LISTEN to 6 I get almost identical behavior (different
>> addresses obviously) with the same failure at n+2 connection (one lpcb
>> dropped at n+1, last remaining lpcb overwritten at n+2).
>> I will not rule out that some LWIP settings (maybe pcb memory allocation
>> settings?) are wrong in my project. Is there any setting I could try?
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