On 30/09/14 16:47, Michael H. Warfield wrote:
On Tue, 2014-09-30 at 15:46 +0100, Chris wrote:
On 29/09/14 21:46, Serge Hallyn wrote:
Hm, sorry, not looking deeper right now, but :

        lxc-start 1411807327.953 ERROR    lxc_conf - Permission denied - WARNING: 
Failed to create symlink 
Something will need to set that up.  I can't recall offhand
what is supposed to do that.  Michael (cc:d), is that done
through the init script?


That might make sense, as I created this container through
debootstrapping the filesystem into
/home/osmium/.local/share/lxc/osmium/rootfs and then chown/grping all
the files to the appropriate users in this user's subuid/gid range...
pasted below in case anyone finds it useful. Please let me know if there
are further steps required to make this template/container valid.
You created this with debootstrap?  So it's an Ubuntu or Debian
container?  Why not use the appropriate lxc-create template?  They do a
lot of things that you are unlikely to have done.  Since you're creating
a container for an unprivileged user, you should probably have used the
download template, as the live templates are generally for privileged
users only.
I haven't looked a whole lot into the premade containers, my gut feeling was that I didn't want to download a whole operating system from this project, and that I'd be a lot more comfortable taking distribution that I trust, and making the template manually. This way I know everything extra that's going into it.

That error is generated out of the code, which I authored, that sets up
the autodev device areas and mounts that systemd mandates (but can still
be used by anyone).  But, if this is Debian or Ubuntu, what version did
you attempt to install?  Unless you're loading a test version, you
shouldn't be getting systemd as your default init system manager (yet).
If you have not explicitly set lxc.autodev = 1 in the config file and
lxc-start does not detect systemd as the init system, you should not
have ventured into that code at all.  I'm really baffled how you got in
a situation where you used debootstrap and yet the code is running into
the systemd autodev logic, something I would not have expected for
Ubuntu or Debian just yet (and I don't think those templates are
prepared to set up just yet).
It's running Debian Jessie. LXC 1.0.5-3 from package management. And systemd 208-8 also from package management.

Next question...  How did you create your configuration file?  That
error message is telling me that either you had lxc.autodev == 1 in the
configuration file OR you're running systemd as your init system
manager.  Neither of those should be a particular problem (well, systemd
might if you haven't properly configured certain aspects of the unit
files are startup - but you aren't getting that far) but it's just not
clear how you got where you got doing what you did.
I took a config from an existing container and modified it for what I thought would work for an unprivileged container. I've attached the config for osmium. I've also attached the latest trace output from the lxc-start, as I've fixed a few slight errors in the config since then.

What are the permissions on /home/osmium/.local/share/lxc/osmium ?  For
some reason, lxc-start does not have permission to create a symlink in
that directory (or maybe does not have rx read/search permission to all
of its parent directories in the path).  That's a short-cut link back to
the hash indexed dev directory under /dev/.lxc/user (for unpriv users)
for the container /dev.  Creating that symlink depends only on the
permissions in the path to the directory and the directory itself.


osmium@cadmium:~$ ls -ld /home/osmium/.local/share/lxc/osmium
drwxr-xr-x 3 osmium osmium 4096 Sep 30 15:38 /home/osmium/.local/share/lxc/osmium
osmium@cadmium:~$ ls -ld /home/osmium/.local/share/lxc/osmium/rootfs/
drwxr-xr-x 21 427680 427680 4096 Sep 14 15:56 /home/osmium/.local/share/lxc/osmium/rootfs/
osmium@cadmium:~$ ls -ld /home/osmium/.local/share/lxc/osmium/rootfs/dev
drwxr-xr-x 4 427680 427680 4096 Sep 14 15:56 /home/osmium/.local/share/lxc/osmium/rootfs/dev

osmium@cadmium:~$ grep osmium /etc/sub[ug]id

osmium@cadmium:~$ find /dev/.lxc/user -ls
9668 0 drwxrwxrwt 3 root root 60 Sep 30 15:38 /dev/.lxc/user 11109 0 drwxr-xr-x 3 427680 427680 60 Sep 30 15:38 /dev/.lxc/user/osmium.3c68b3f0c5eeec7d 11110 0 drwxr-xr-x 2 427680 427680 40 Sep 30 15:38 /dev/.lxc/user/osmium.3c68b3f0c5eeec7d/pts

# Container with network virtualized using a pre-configured bridge named br0 and
lxc.network.type = veth
#lxc.network.veth.pair = osmium
lxc.network.flags = up
lxc.network.link = lxcbr0
lxc.network.hwaddr = 00:16:3e:73:bd:de
lxc.id_map = u 0 427680 65536
lxc.id_map = g 0 427680 65536

# /var/lib/lxc/escher/config

## Container
lxc.utsname                             = osmium
lxc.rootfs                              = 
lxc.arch                                = x86_64
lxc.console                             = /home/osmium/.console
lxc.tty                                 = 1
lxc.pts                                 = 1024

## Capabilities
lxc.cap.drop                            = mac_admin
lxc.cap.drop                            = mac_override
lxc.cap.drop                            = sys_admin
lxc.cap.drop                            = sys_module
## Devices
# Allow all devices
#lxc.cgroup.devices.allow               = a
# Deny all devices
lxc.cgroup.devices.deny                 = a
# Allow to mknod all devices (but not using them)
lxc.cgroup.devices.allow                = c *:* m
lxc.cgroup.devices.allow                = b *:* m

# /dev/console
lxc.cgroup.devices.allow                = c 5:1 rwm
# /dev/fuse
lxc.cgroup.devices.allow                = c 10:229 rwm
# /dev/null
lxc.cgroup.devices.allow                = c 1:3 rwm
# /dev/ptmx
lxc.cgroup.devices.allow                = c 5:2 rwm
# /dev/pts/*
lxc.cgroup.devices.allow                = c 136:* rwm
# /dev/random
lxc.cgroup.devices.allow                = c 1:8 rwm
# /dev/rtc
lxc.cgroup.devices.allow                = c 254:0 rwm
# /dev/tty
lxc.cgroup.devices.allow                = c 5:0 rwm
# /dev/urandom
lxc.cgroup.devices.allow                = c 1:9 rwm
# /dev/zero
lxc.cgroup.devices.allow                = c 1:5 rwm

## Limits
#lxc.cgroup.cpu.shares                  = 1024
#lxc.cgroup.cpuset.cpus                 = 0
#lxc.cgroup.memory.limit_in_bytes       = 256M
#lxc.cgroup.memory.memsw.limit_in_bytes = 1G

## Filesystem
lxc.mount.entry                         = proc 
/home/osmium/.local/share/lxc/osmium/rootfs/proc proc nodev,noexec,nosuid 0 0
lxc.mount.entry                         = devpts 
/home/osmium/.local/share/lxc/osmium/rootfs/dev/pts devpts defaults 0 0
lxc.mount.entry                         = sysfs 
/home/osmium/.local/share/lxc/osmium/rootfs/sys sysfs defaults,ro 0 0

      lxc-start 1412095368.928 INFO     lxc_start_ui - using rcfile 
      lxc-start 1412095368.928 INFO     lxc_utils - XDG_RUNTIME_DIR isn't set 
in the environment.
      lxc-start 1412095368.929 INFO     lxc_confile - read uid map: type u nsid 
0 hostid 427680 range 65536
      lxc-start 1412095368.929 INFO     lxc_confile - read uid map: type g nsid 
0 hostid 427680 range 65536
      lxc-start 1412095368.930 WARN     lxc_log - lxc_log_init called with log 
already initialized
      lxc-start 1412095368.930 INFO     lxc_lsm - LSM security driver nop
      lxc-start 1412095368.930 INFO     lxc_utils - XDG_RUNTIME_DIR isn't set 
in the environment.
      lxc-start 1412095368.931 DEBUG    lxc_conf - allocated pty '/dev/pts/1' 
      lxc-start 1412095368.931 INFO     lxc_conf - tty's configured
      lxc-start 1412095368.932 DEBUG    lxc_start - sigchild handler set
      lxc-start 1412095368.932 DEBUG    lxc_console - opening 
/home/osmium/.console for console peer
      lxc-start 1412095368.932 DEBUG    lxc_console - using 
'/home/osmium/.console' as console
      lxc-start 1412095368.932 DEBUG    lxc_console - no console peer
      lxc-start 1412095369.212 INFO     lxc_start - 'osmium' is initialized
      lxc-start 1412095369.243 DEBUG    lxc_start - Not dropping cap_sys_boot 
or watching utmp
      lxc-start 1412095369.243 INFO     lxc_start - Cloning a new user namespace
      lxc-start 1412095369.243 INFO     lxc_cgroup - cgroup driver cgroupfs 
initing for osmium
      lxc-start 1412095369.247 DEBUG    lxc_cgfs - cgroup 'devices.deny' set to 
      lxc-start 1412095369.247 DEBUG    lxc_cgfs - cgroup 'devices.allow' set 
to 'c *:* m'
      lxc-start 1412095369.247 DEBUG    lxc_cgfs - cgroup 'devices.allow' set 
to 'b *:* m'
      lxc-start 1412095369.247 DEBUG    lxc_cgfs - cgroup 'devices.allow' set 
to 'c 5:1 rwm'
      lxc-start 1412095369.247 DEBUG    lxc_cgfs - cgroup 'devices.allow' set 
to 'c 10:229 rwm'
      lxc-start 1412095369.247 DEBUG    lxc_cgfs - cgroup 'devices.allow' set 
to 'c 1:3 rwm'
      lxc-start 1412095369.247 DEBUG    lxc_cgfs - cgroup 'devices.allow' set 
to 'c 5:2 rwm'
      lxc-start 1412095369.247 DEBUG    lxc_cgfs - cgroup 'devices.allow' set 
to 'c 136:* rwm'
      lxc-start 1412095369.247 DEBUG    lxc_cgfs - cgroup 'devices.allow' set 
to 'c 1:8 rwm'
      lxc-start 1412095369.247 DEBUG    lxc_cgfs - cgroup 'devices.allow' set 
to 'c 254:0 rwm'
      lxc-start 1412095369.247 DEBUG    lxc_cgfs - cgroup 'devices.allow' set 
to 'c 5:0 rwm'
      lxc-start 1412095369.247 DEBUG    lxc_cgfs - cgroup 'devices.allow' set 
to 'c 1:9 rwm'
      lxc-start 1412095369.247 DEBUG    lxc_cgfs - cgroup 'devices.allow' set 
to 'c 1:5 rwm'
      lxc-start 1412095369.247 INFO     lxc_cgfs - cgroup has been setup
      lxc-start 1412095369.310 NOTICE   lxc_start - switching to gid/uid 0 in 
new user namespace
      lxc-start 1412095369.313 DEBUG    lxc_conf - mounted 
'/home/osmium/.local/share/lxc/osmium/rootfs' on 
      lxc-start 1412095369.314 INFO     lxc_conf - 'osmium' hostname has been 
      lxc-start 1412095369.314 DEBUG    lxc_conf - mac address 
'00:16:3e:73:bd:de' on 'eth0' has been setup
      lxc-start 1412095369.315 DEBUG    lxc_conf - 'eth0' has been setup
      lxc-start 1412095369.315 INFO     lxc_conf - network has been setup
      lxc-start 1412095369.315 DEBUG    lxc_conf - Set exec command to 
      lxc-start 1412095369.324 INFO     lxc_conf - Container with systemd init 
detected - enabling autodev!
      lxc-start 1412095369.324 INFO     lxc_conf - Mounting /dev under 
      lxc-start 1412095369.324 DEBUG    lxc_conf - entering mount_check_fs for 
      lxc-start 1412095369.325 DEBUG    lxc_conf - mount_check_fs returning 1 
last devtmpfs
      lxc-start 1412095369.325 INFO     lxc_conf - Setup in /dev/.lxc failed.  
Trying /dev/.lxc/user.
      lxc-start 1412095369.325 ERROR    lxc_conf - Permission denied - WARNING: 
Failed to create symlink 
      lxc-start 1412095369.325 DEBUG    lxc_conf - Bind mounting 
/dev/.lxc/user/osmium.3c68b3f0c5eeec7d to 
      lxc-start 1412095369.325 INFO     lxc_conf - Mounted /dev under 
      lxc-start 1412095369.326 DEBUG    lxc_conf - mounted 'proc' on 
'/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/lxc/rootfs//proc', type 'proc'
      lxc-start 1412095369.326 ERROR    lxc_conf - Invalid argument - failed to 
mount 'devpts' on '/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/lxc/rootfs//dev/pts'
      lxc-start 1412095369.326 ERROR    lxc_conf - failed to setup the mount 
entries for 'osmium'
      lxc-start 1412095369.326 ERROR    lxc_start - failed to setup the 
      lxc-start 1412095369.326 ERROR    lxc_sync - invalid sequence number 1. 
expected 2
      lxc-start 1412095369.327 INFO     lxc_utils - XDG_RUNTIME_DIR isn't set 
in the environment.
      lxc-start 1412095369.419 ERROR    lxc_start - failed to spawn 'osmium'
      lxc-start 1412095369.420 INFO     lxc_utils - XDG_RUNTIME_DIR isn't set 
in the environment.
      lxc-start 1412095369.420 INFO     lxc_utils - XDG_RUNTIME_DIR isn't set 
in the environment.
      lxc-start 1412095369.421 ERROR    lxc_start_ui - The container failed to 
      lxc-start 1412095369.421 ERROR    lxc_start_ui - Additional information 
can be obtained by setting the --logfile and --log-priority options.
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