On 30/09/14 19:28, Michael H. Warfield wrote:
I haven't looked a whole lot into the premade containers, my gut feeling
was that I didn't want to download a whole operating system from this
project, and that I'd be a lot more comfortable taking distribution that
I trust, and making the template manually. This way I know everything
extra that's going into it.
Our templates are pretty barebones.  Very minimal.  You'll have to add
just about anything you would really want to make a useful container.
I should definitely take a closer look sometime.
It's running Debian Jessie. LXC 1.0.5-3 from package management. And
systemd 208-8 also from package management.
OK... THAT explains a LOT!  That systemd option is why you're running
into this problem and you're about to have far worse.

I took a config from an existing container and modified it for what I
thought would work for an unprivileged container. I've attached the
config for osmium. I've also attached the latest trace output from the
lxc-start, as I've fixed a few slight errors in the config since then.
You're going to have to make some additional changes...  Make sure you
add "lxc.kmsg = 0" to your container or systemd.journald is going to eat
your CPU time for lunch (and be sure to flush
your /dev/.lxc/user/osmium* directory).  There's also some adjustments
that need to be made for mgetty consoles and such.  You also need to
link the shutdown unit to the SIGPWR service to allow lxc to shut the
container down gracefully.  You might take a look at the Oracle or
Fedora templates for some guidance there.
Will definitely come back to this once it starts up, thank you for the advice.
osmium@cadmium:~$ find /dev/.lxc/user -ls
    9668    0 drwxrwxrwt   3 root     root           60 Sep 30 15:38
   11109    0 drwxr-xr-x   3 427680   427680         60 Sep 30 15:38
   11110    0 drwxr-xr-x   2 427680   427680         40 Sep 30 15:38

Ok...  So it appears that lxc-start did manage to create your dev
directory properly under the host /dev/.lxc/user.

Now I see the real problem...

The same code that creates that directory creates the symlink
in /home/osmium/.local/share/lxc/osmium.  But, the /dev/ directory is
owned by "427680:427680" while the directory containing the symlink is
own by "osmium:osmium" and you then have a permission denied because
427680:427680 doesn't have write permissions
to /home/osmium/.local/share/lxc/osmium.

That's a (the!) problem.  I'm just not sure if chown/chgrp is the
correct answer or if you need to add some group membership and add group
write permissions with appropriate host auth secondary groups.  Either
way, it's that permission problem that biting you in the rear end.

OK, yes. This was that problem. Fixing it has progressed startup a little further. It didn't like the lxc.mount.entry for devpts, so I threw that out for the time being also. Now it's still stuck at 'populating dev' though. I've attached the latest trace in case you help me again.

osmium@cadmium:~$ lxc-start -n osmium -l trace -o /tmp/xxx7
lxc-start: Operation not permitted - Error creating null
lxc-start: failed to populate /dev in the container
lxc-start: failed to setup the container
lxc-start: invalid sequence number 1. expected 2
lxc-start: failed to spawn 'osmium'
lxc-start: The container failed to start.
lxc-start: Additional information can be obtained by setting the --logfile and --log-priority options

      lxc-start 1412115865.294 INFO     lxc_start_ui - using rcfile 
      lxc-start 1412115865.294 INFO     lxc_utils - XDG_RUNTIME_DIR isn't set 
in the environment.
      lxc-start 1412115865.296 INFO     lxc_confile - read uid map: type u nsid 
0 hostid 427680 range 65536
      lxc-start 1412115865.296 INFO     lxc_confile - read uid map: type g nsid 
0 hostid 427680 range 65536
      lxc-start 1412115865.296 WARN     lxc_log - lxc_log_init called with log 
already initialized
      lxc-start 1412115865.296 INFO     lxc_lsm - LSM security driver nop
      lxc-start 1412115865.296 INFO     lxc_utils - XDG_RUNTIME_DIR isn't set 
in the environment.
      lxc-start 1412115865.298 DEBUG    lxc_conf - allocated pty '/dev/pts/1' 
      lxc-start 1412115865.298 INFO     lxc_conf - tty's configured
      lxc-start 1412115865.298 DEBUG    lxc_start - sigchild handler set
      lxc-start 1412115865.298 DEBUG    lxc_console - opening 
/home/osmium/.console for console peer
      lxc-start 1412115865.298 DEBUG    lxc_console - using 
'/home/osmium/.console' as console
      lxc-start 1412115865.298 DEBUG    lxc_console - no console peer
      lxc-start 1412115865.628 INFO     lxc_start - 'osmium' is initialized
      lxc-start 1412115865.659 DEBUG    lxc_start - Not dropping cap_sys_boot 
or watching utmp
      lxc-start 1412115865.659 INFO     lxc_start - Cloning a new user namespace
      lxc-start 1412115865.659 INFO     lxc_cgroup - cgroup driver cgroupfs 
initing for osmium
      lxc-start 1412115865.663 DEBUG    lxc_cgfs - cgroup 'devices.deny' set to 
      lxc-start 1412115865.663 DEBUG    lxc_cgfs - cgroup 'devices.allow' set 
to 'c *:* m'
      lxc-start 1412115865.663 DEBUG    lxc_cgfs - cgroup 'devices.allow' set 
to 'b *:* m'
      lxc-start 1412115865.663 DEBUG    lxc_cgfs - cgroup 'devices.allow' set 
to 'c 5:1 rwm'
      lxc-start 1412115865.663 DEBUG    lxc_cgfs - cgroup 'devices.allow' set 
to 'c 10:229 rwm'
      lxc-start 1412115865.663 DEBUG    lxc_cgfs - cgroup 'devices.allow' set 
to 'c 1:3 rwm'
      lxc-start 1412115865.663 DEBUG    lxc_cgfs - cgroup 'devices.allow' set 
to 'c 5:2 rwm'
      lxc-start 1412115865.663 DEBUG    lxc_cgfs - cgroup 'devices.allow' set 
to 'c 136:* rwm'
      lxc-start 1412115865.663 DEBUG    lxc_cgfs - cgroup 'devices.allow' set 
to 'c 1:8 rwm'
      lxc-start 1412115865.663 DEBUG    lxc_cgfs - cgroup 'devices.allow' set 
to 'c 254:0 rwm'
      lxc-start 1412115865.663 DEBUG    lxc_cgfs - cgroup 'devices.allow' set 
to 'c 5:0 rwm'
      lxc-start 1412115865.663 DEBUG    lxc_cgfs - cgroup 'devices.allow' set 
to 'c 1:9 rwm'
      lxc-start 1412115865.663 DEBUG    lxc_cgfs - cgroup 'devices.allow' set 
to 'c 1:5 rwm'
      lxc-start 1412115865.663 INFO     lxc_cgfs - cgroup has been setup
      lxc-start 1412115865.767 NOTICE   lxc_start - switching to gid/uid 0 in 
new user namespace
      lxc-start 1412115865.771 DEBUG    lxc_conf - mounted 
'/home/osmium/.local/share/lxc/osmium/rootfs' on 
      lxc-start 1412115865.771 INFO     lxc_conf - 'osmium' hostname has been 
      lxc-start 1412115865.772 DEBUG    lxc_conf - mac address 
'00:16:3e:73:bd:de' on 'eth0' has been setup
      lxc-start 1412115865.772 DEBUG    lxc_conf - 'eth0' has been setup
      lxc-start 1412115865.772 INFO     lxc_conf - network has been setup
      lxc-start 1412115865.772 DEBUG    lxc_conf - Set exec command to 
      lxc-start 1412115865.772 INFO     lxc_conf - Container with systemd init 
detected - enabling autodev!
      lxc-start 1412115865.772 INFO     lxc_conf - Mounting /dev under 
      lxc-start 1412115865.772 DEBUG    lxc_conf - entering mount_check_fs for 
      lxc-start 1412115865.773 DEBUG    lxc_conf - mount_check_fs returning 1 
last devtmpfs
      lxc-start 1412115865.773 INFO     lxc_conf - Setup in /dev/.lxc failed.  
Trying /dev/.lxc/user.
      lxc-start 1412115865.773 DEBUG    lxc_conf - Bind mounting 
/dev/.lxc/user/osmium.3c68b3f0c5eeec7d to 
      lxc-start 1412115865.773 INFO     lxc_conf - Mounted /dev under 
      lxc-start 1412115865.773 DEBUG    lxc_conf - mounted 'proc' on 
'/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/lxc/rootfs//proc', type 'proc'
      lxc-start 1412115865.774 DEBUG    lxc_conf - mounted 'sysfs' on 
'/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/lxc/rootfs//sys', type 'sysfs'
      lxc-start 1412115865.774 INFO     lxc_conf - mount points have been setup
      lxc-start 1412115865.774 INFO     lxc_conf - Creating initial consoles 
under /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/lxc/rootfs/dev
      lxc-start 1412115865.774 INFO     lxc_conf - Populating /dev under 
      lxc-start 1412115865.774 ERROR    lxc_conf - Operation not permitted - 
Error creating null
      lxc-start 1412115865.774 ERROR    lxc_conf - failed to populate /dev in 
the container
      lxc-start 1412115865.774 ERROR    lxc_start - failed to setup the 
      lxc-start 1412115865.774 ERROR    lxc_sync - invalid sequence number 1. 
expected 2
      lxc-start 1412115865.774 INFO     lxc_utils - XDG_RUNTIME_DIR isn't set 
in the environment.
      lxc-start 1412115865.835 ERROR    lxc_start - failed to spawn 'osmium'
      lxc-start 1412115865.836 INFO     lxc_utils - XDG_RUNTIME_DIR isn't set 
in the environment.
      lxc-start 1412115865.836 INFO     lxc_utils - XDG_RUNTIME_DIR isn't set 
in the environment.
      lxc-start 1412115865.837 ERROR    lxc_start_ui - The container failed to 
      lxc-start 1412115865.837 ERROR    lxc_start_ui - Additional information 
can be obtained by setting the --logfile and --log-priority options.
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