On Tue, May 19, 2015 at 01:05:08PM -0700, Kevin LaTona wrote:
> Right now when I am try sending in a test request call to the LXD rest api 
> using the Python Requests library and it blows up.
> At this point no idea if what is going on is a Request library error or the 
> LXD api webserver is choking here.
> Any one on this list using the LXD rest API yet?
> If so, any chance you might share how you have working?
> Better yet any one on the list is doing this using the Python Requsts module?
> Hate to waste time drilling down into requests, if it's a LXD api issue so 
> early in the release cycle.

There is http://github.com/zulcss/pylxd and the in tree
/scripts/lxd-images, although neither use the requests module.

If you can paste your code and error, perhaps we can provide some


> Thanks
> -Kevin
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