On Fri, Dec 07, 2018 at 09:34:14AM -0600, Steven Spencer wrote:
> All,
> My Google search turned up empty, so I'm turning to the list to see if this
> is possible:
> * In LXD I make a copy of a container, but want to create a new container
> from it
> * The container has a static assigned IP address, so if I bring up the new

How is the static ip address assigned?  Using raw.lxc, using dhcp config
on the host, using /etc/network/interfaces or the like in the container's

How are you currently copying it?  Are you using lxc copy --stateless?
Can you just pass '-c <config>' to the lxc copy command to change the
ipv4 configuration?

> container with the other one running, I'm going to end up with an IP
> conflict
> * What I'd like to be able to do is to change the IP of the snapshot before
> creating a container out of it.
> Is that possible, or am I missing another method.  I've already done this
> step before, which works, but isn't the best if you want to keep systems up.
> * Stop the original container
> * create the new container with the snapshot
> * modify the IP of the new container
> * start the original container
> If it isn't possible, I'll continue on as I've been doing.
> Thanks,
> Steven G. Spencer

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