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Hello folks,

Today I wanted to customize the logout screen of my LXDE installation.
So I did some research:

in ~/.config/lxpanel/LXDE/panels/panel are two ways to logout. The
first one is part of the menu

> Plugin { type=menu Config { [...] item { image=gnome-logout 
> *command=logout* } } }

and the second one is the shutdown/logout-button at the panel's far
right end. It is a link to a .desktop file

> Plugin { type=launchbar Config { Button { *id=lxde-logout.desktop*
>  } } }

so "find / -type f -name lxde-logout.desktop" reveals this file is to
no surprise in


and it does:

> *Exec=lxde-logout*

Additionally in


there is another command:

> quit_manager/command=lxsession-logout

But changing this value didn't change anything.

I changed the Exec entry of
/usr/share/applications/lxde-logout.desktop to something like:

> Exec=lxsession-logout --prompt "foo" --banner /bar.png --side left

as the manpages suggested. It had no effect when I try to logout with
the logout button in the menu. But it did have the expected result
when I used panel's far right logout button.

Also additionally there is a global lxde-logout command
$ which lxde-logout
which is just a scipt that executes lxsession-logout

So calling lxde-logout does a different thing as lxde-logout.desktop does

So my question is: Are these three used commands
"logout, lxde-logout.desktop, lxsession-logout" interchangeable?

Is it safe to change the button that appears in the menu to do the
same as the panel's far right button does and link it to this .desktop

Is there a better, safer, recommended way to change this behavior
without breaking something?

And just because I'm curious: How come there are different scripts and
applications that essentially are meant to do the same thing; but have
different methods of configuration? Are there plans to merge these and
make this process more straightforward?

Many kind regards and thanks for your input,



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