On 19 March 2015 at 12:11, Andrej N. Gritsenko <and...@rep.kiev.ua> wrote:
>     Hello!
> Jerome Leclanche has written on Friday, 13 March, at 18:21:
>>Over the past few months, the Pootle team has been working on the 2.7
>>release of Pootle. The release supercedes the broken 2.6 release.
>>We are finally at a point where the release is good enough for daily
>>use. We have started the process to upgrade some of our servers to it,
>>including the Mozilla and LibreOffice servers. LXDE will also receive
>>an upgrade.
> That sounds promising. Let hope it will be not such disappointing as 2.6
> was. :)
>>There are lots of changes to be aware of. The full changelog is available 
> I see it has major interface change. It is unclear for me if it still
> would be possible to have overall overview where I can see list of
> projects with statuses, and list of languages with statuses, it is a good
> thing to see for both developers and translators.

Most of the interface changes are already in 2.6, so what you are
seeing right now on pootle.lxde is mostly what it will look like in
2.7. (2.6 was never officially released, so the changelog includes
changes from 2.6).

>>One I would like to mention in advance is how committing to VCS works.
>>Pootle will no longer try to integrate with git by itself. Instead, we
>>will be able to run a script from the server to import or export
>>translation files from/to Pootle. We can set up periodic jobs to
>>commit reviewed units automatically at our leisure. I would like some
>>input on a model that we are all comfortable with, as this is up to me
>>to set it up.
>>This will get rid of merge conflicts and the recurring commit errors
>>we currently get in 2.6.
> >From developer point of view I would need to be able to do sync from GIT
> to Pootle and do sync from Pootle to GIT at some point (on templates
> update or before software release respectively) so developer should have
> access to do it at will. As for daily sync without any intervention from
> translators, that should be very good for them: from translator point of
> view those additional clicks are confusing for newbies but if translator
> forgets to do it, that brings problems later.

What we do for most of our instances is we have a continuous cycle
that is so fast that people never need to worry about manually
triggering it (Mozilla pulls in every hour, Evernote every 15
Regarding syncing from git to Pootle, that is something we are keen on
no longer supporting. It creates several inconsistency issues, some of
which we are currently hitting in 2.6. We have spent a lot of time
thinking about and drafting a solid "translation in code" model. 2.7
is a step in the right direction, but this is an ongoing usability
experiment as well.
To be honest, translations should not even be version controlled
alongside the code but in their own VCS (in this case, Pootle would be
the VCS, but it could also be a separate git repository). We are
actively discussing these issues with the translation community and
all of this is still up for debate.

>>I have successfully tested a pootle upgrade on the LXDE database.
>>There's still a few kinks to be ironed out. I should be able to
>>upgrade the server within the next two weeks; wanted to give a bit of
>>advance notice.
>>Please hit me up with any questions or concerns.
>>Thanks, and apologies again for the long delay in this upgrade.
>     Cheers,
>     Andriy.
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