
Jerome Leclanche has written on Thursday, 19 March, at 19:08:
>On 19 March 2015 at 18:44, Andrej N. Gritsenko <and...@rep.kiev.ua> wrote:

>>     What I meant is exactly this - developer updates template outside of
>> Pootle and then wants Pootle to integrate updates to be used by all the
>> translators, so how it would be performed now? By asking an administrator
>> to issue that command or it is still available in web interface?

>It's part of the script that will be periodically run, so once the
>template is committed, the developer doesn't have to think about it
>any further, Pootle will seamlessly pick it up.

Will manual update be available? If not then I would expect it to be ran
often enough to not wait a whole day to translate string after template
was updated. And also I would expect you to be always available to fix
things (in case something failed in that automation). :)

>>>To be honest, translations should not even be version controlled
>>>alongside the code but in their own VCS (in this case, Pootle would be
>>>the VCS, but it could also be a separate git repository). We are
>>>actively discussing these issues with the translation community and
>>>all of this is still up for debate.

>>     This is very much inconvenient due to a lot of extra work for any
>> developer to merge two different VCS (especially if they are different
>> kinds) and keep them in sync, it may even require some extra means to
>> resolve unsync conflicts, which will be a burden for developers, so I'm
>> afraid many developers will give up that and never be bothered with
>> translations but let third-party enthusiasts to bother with it instead.
>> That is not good for any project, it's why only very massive projects can
>> afford that model with isolated translations, not small or medium sized
>> projects.

>Right - I went on a bit of a theoretical tangent. Practically, the
>translations will still be in git, but that makes the git log fairly
>The advantage of not having translations in git is that it doesn't
>pollute the log and credit can be a lot more accurately assigned (in
>fact, we have a scoring system in 2.7 which "rewards" more active
>translators). So when you build your program, you can build it
>untranslated, or pull in the latest translations (`make` could run
>something like "wget http://pootle.lxde.org/export/?project=pcmanfm";
>and unzip it to the appropriate location. You'd do the same thing when
>you do a release). There's no merging of any kind to be done.
>The other way around though (commit translation changes directly to
>git and expect pootle to pick them up) is what's no longer supported.
>It's something we currently do in LXQt, but AFAIK LXDE does not do it
>- am I wrong?

Yes, you are a bit wrong. I did manually pull of updated files into
Pootle many, many times. Cases were:
1) someone accidentally pushed wrong translation file into Pootle;
2) someone pushed translation which was updated right before that by
another translator (therefore undone translation), so git revert was
3) Pootle messed up the translation;
4) Pootle has merge conflict errors;
5) Pottle failed to update translation against template.
May be there was some other case that I cannot remember right away.
So manual intervention should be available. Although if you will be
always available to fix things fast enough then it's fine I think.

Thank you for your support.

    With best regards,

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