Andrej N. Gritsenko wrote on 06/02/2015 09:57 PM:
>      Hello!
> U.Mutlu has written on Tuesday,  2 June, at 20:41:
>> Since I installed LXDE many months ago, each time the LXDE desktop starts
>> I always get a little error popup window on the desktop which says this
>> -----------------------------
>> |  Error                    |
>> |  No session for pid 5934  |
>> |                           |
>> |                      OK   |
>> -----------------------------
>> (the pid # of course is different each time)
>> What could that might be?
>> Till now I simply ignored it by clicking on OK.
>> How can one diagnose/debug this to find out what is causing this?
> I think you should open a terminal window and enter a command
>    ps 5934
> (replace 5934 with number from that window) to see what is the process in
> question. The most probably some application was left in autostart after
> you migrated to LXDE, but it might be someting else as well.

Ok, that indeed works. It says:

$ ps 8276
  8276 tty1     S      0:00 lxpolkit

It seems to be a component of LXDE, isn't it?

There is no path, it gets started by lxsession:

# ps -el | grep 8276
0 S  1000  8276  8261  0  80   0 - 35273 -      tty1     00:00:00 lxpolkit

# ps -el | grep 8261
0 S  1000  8261  8235  0  80   0 - 86626 -      tty1     00:00:00 lxsession
0 S  1000  8273  8261  0  80   0 - 38567 -      tty1     00:00:00 openbox
0 S  1000  8276  8261  0  80   0 - 35273 -      tty1     00:00:00 lxpolkit
0 S  1000  8277  8261  0  80   0 - 113340 -     tty1     00:00:03 lxpanel
0 S  1000  8279  8261  0  80   0 - 116333 -     tty1     00:00:01 pcmanfm
0 S  1000  8280  8261  0  80   0 - 15524 -      tty1     00:00:00 xscreensaver

# ps aux | grep 8261
admin2    8261  0.0  0.1 346504 11512 tty1     Sl   22:10   0:00 
/usr/bin/lxsession -s LXDE -e LXDE

Otherwise there are only these 2 libraries installed with "polkit" in their 

# dpkg -l | grep -i polkit
ii libpolkit-agent-1-0:amd64   0.105-8 amd64 PolicyKit Authentication Agent API
ii libpolkit-gobject-1-0:amd64 0.105-8 amd64 PolicyKit Authorization API

Can I as user fix this issue somehow, or is it a case for the LXDE developers?


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