Quoth Thorsten Glaser, 'can you please use hexadecimal
         Sorry!  lynx uses hex sometimes, dec others.  129 = 0x81

        Quoth Thorsten Glaser, 'I've only ever seen those used by
windows codepage 1252 users'.
        It shows up rarely.  I can't make sense why.  There are
definitely mistakes in other pages on the same sites.  I don't know
what codepage the authors use.  Since 'high octet preset' is an
instruction to formatters that, as far as I can tell, lynx doesn't
handle, I silence it.  I mention it in this forum in case others like
the idea.
        From a Unicode doc:

# architectural concepts initially proposed for early
# drafts of ISO/IEC 10646-1. They were never actually
# approved or standardized: hence their designation
# here as the "figment" type. Formal name aliases
# (and corresponding abbreviations) for these code
# points are included here because these names leaked
# out from the draft documents and were published in
# at least one RFC whose names for code points was
# implemented in Perl regex expressions.'

russell bell

        dec     hex     Description
        129     81      high octet preset
        699     2bb     'commaturnedmod' or 'Modifier Turned Comma'
        7996    1f3c    'Greek Capital Letter Iota With Psili And Oxia'.
        1013    3f5     'lunate epsilon'
        8634    21ba    'Counter-Clockwise Arrow'
        8764    223c    'sim'
        8943    22ef    'Midline Horizontal Ellipsis'
        9398    24b6    'Circled Latin Capital Letter A'
        9679    25cf    circlefilled or blackcircle
        9764    2624    'Caduceus or "Kerykeion"
        8203    200b    zero-width space
        7879    1ec7    'Latin Small Letter E With Circumflex And Dot Below'

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