2018/05/28 04:57 ... Thorsten Glaser:
Now the codepage 1252 is a superset of latin1. latin1
leaves 0x80‥0x9F for C1 control characters (and latin1
is exactly the first 256 codepoints of Unicode), while
cp1252 assigns stuff like € and “” inside that block.

I suppose the following is legalistic....

If "latin1 is exactly the first 256 codepoints of Unicode" then cp1252 is not a superset of Latin1: instead, instead of C1 characters cp1252 has a jumble of graphics. If Latin1 is, say, ASCII with 96 more graphics, with a gap for C1, then indeed cp1252 is a superset of Latin1, but then it is not the first 256 codepoints of Unicode. I know not which outlook is actually taken.

O, how I miss Latin1! In Mozilla software it no longer appears. I now use only ASCII in web-pages that I write, symbols outside that range written with &...;.

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