On Wed, Apr 03, 2024 at 11:08:42AM -0600, rbell--- via Lynx-dev wrote:
>       Quoth mouse:
>       'since there is a spec, there is a well-defined "correct", at
> least to the extent that the spec is properly done.'
>       Quoth https://www.w3.org/Library/src/HTStyle.html (the spec):
>       'The manager doesn't contain any styles - it only provides a
> mechanism for registering styles, looking them up and deleting them.
> That is, it doesn't have any idea of what a style actually looks like
> - as this is highly application dependent,'

to cook: just add water :-)
>       It points to an HTStyle.c from 'W3C Sample Code Library' which
> is a lot different from lynx's.

lynx uses an _early_ version of libwww

It was discussed long ago (in the 1990s) whether to use a newer version.
As I recall it, it would have been a lot of (re)work which no one did.

(Look for "libwww" in the mailing list archives)

Thomas E. Dickey <dic...@invisible-island.net>

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