On Sun, Jan 24, 1999 at 01:10:35AM +0100, Lars Gullik Bjønnes wrote:
> *Larry S Marso writes:
>  | 1in/1in/1in/1in -- top/bottom/left/right.
>  | 
>  | I remember first using LyX (before Edit->Paper even existed) and
>  | needing a *manual* to set these margins. Ouch.
> Why is a template like this needed?
> And why the "weird" margins?


> What is a "standard margin", and why isn't the LaTeX default margins
> "standard" enough?

Exactly.  Not everyone is American, Larry.  That goes for 1in
margins *and* all paragraphs indented on the first line.

You mentioned two-fingered typists, Larry.  Your suggestions, however,
would help only two-finger-typing Americans at the expense of
all other two-finger-typers in the world.  Kinda robbing Peter to pay
Paul, don't you think?

If, OTOH, you want to create templates such as "article-american.lyx",
"book-american.lyx", "article-euro.lyx", etc., that would be most helpful.

> No. This is excatly the behaviour that we want to disencourage.
I think you mean "discourage"

John Weiss

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