> 1. Message in minibuffer when dual spaces are typed.

I think this is a great idea, and the patch looks good.  I'd like you to change
the text to "You cannot type two spaces this way.  Please read the Tuturial."

> 2. History of message in the minibuffer

This is not something for 1.0.1.  Go ahead and implement it in the 1.1.x
branch.  Should be easy by using a vector<string> as history.

> 4. How to display the watch cursor?

It's in lyx_cb.C.  I found this by doing "grep -i watch *.C" in the src
Notice that the function ProhibitInput will also lock the buffers to prevent
input.  This might conflict with the actions of Replace, but I'm not sure.  You
can give it a spin.

> 3. A 'splash document'.

I think we should open the splash document if the .lyx directory does not
exist.  This is a very nice point to present this, because we are rather sure
that we are dealing with a new user.
Daniel, could you implement this and maybe could write up a very short Welcome
document?  This document should reside in the "examples" directory.  People on
this list would soon read it and improve it, so just have a go at it.

I don't think it's necessary to provide any switches to disable this, since it
will only affects new users.  By putting the document in the examples
directory, we gain two benefits:  The document would serve as a very simple
example, and it would be accessible for future reference, without cluttering
the Help menu.

The benefit of this exercise is three-fold:  

1) We get a nice usability feature to teach novice users a few basic things, or
at least point them in the right direction.

2) We have a new feature to boast in 1.0.1 (without any risk involved.)

and most importantly,

3) We could welcome another coder into the LyX Team.



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