On Mon, Feb 15, 1999 at 11:36:15AM +0100, Asger K. Alstrup Nielsen wrote:
> John Weiss blathered:
> > This is, as I understand it, the main problem with WxWin.  The code is
> > bloated:  it's a library/GUI toolkit implemented *on* *top* *of* other
> > toolkits, libraries, and GUI's.  Nope, sorry, that's a kludge [if I'm

> After all, what we are doing is exactly bloat:  Instead of one
> interface to one possibly strange interface, we are having N interfaces
> to N possibly strange interfaces.

Ah...but that's bloat in the *source*, not necessarily bloat in the
execution time.  I'm a firm believer in that up-and-coming philosophy
of shifting as much "work" to compile-time as possible to streamline
what a user executes.  So, all of that extra source code, with inline
functions and/or cpp-macros, etc., will make the code-base huge and
extend compile time, but won't necessarily worsen execution speed.

Plus, as you later point out, it gives LyX the flexibility to go with
whatever toolkit it wants.  A good step towards multiplatform support...

> > On portability:  when it comes to a bona-fide Winblows port, you'll
> > have headaches.  There are all sorts of loopy incompatibilities; I run
> > into them at work.
> I know (I write Windows software for a living.)  But LyX is a relatively 
> simple application when it comes to the requirements from the GUI.  We 

I hesitated to say much at first.  I'll now say a bit more --- but
bear in mind that I don't want to violate my employment contract.  ;)

On your comment about LyX being a simple app:  Irrelevant.  ;)  My
employer's product [a positively *wonderful* piece of
network-management software, which you are free to contact me about if
you're looking at NMS products ;) ] supports 4 platforms:  3 Unices
and WinNT.  We have a wonderful base lib that encapsulates all
platform-dependent idioms [much as the GUI-independence is doing in
LyX].  Plus, our product is on a client-server model [this, too, has
been bandied about the LyX team], with a Java-based GUI client.  So,
we don't use *any* Unix [X11, Motif, etc.] or WinNT GUI calls.
Nevertheless the entire development staff at my employer compiles,
tests, and debugs all new features/clients/servers for our product on
the 3 Unix platforms *first*, because:

1)  There are better programming tools for the 3 Unices [Purify,
    PureCover, etc.]

2)  The debuggers on the 3 Unices are better.

3)  WinNT and its C++ comiplers are a fragrant, steaming, fetid mount
    of feces.  The compiles on NT are slower.  The compiler has all
    sorts of shit-for-brains "Microsoft extensions" that deviate from
    the ANSI standard.  The OS is nowhere near Posix-compliant.  Every
    attempt to compile even one lib crashes the machine 50% of the

    I could go on.  Let's just say that I can tell when someone at
    work is trying to compile on NT:  they're usually swearing a blue

*This* is what I meant about headaches for any bona-fide WinBlows
port.  Even a wonderful multi-platform system [like my employer's] has
major, major headaches with Winblows.

John Weiss
On a train, someplace between Pawling and White Plains...

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