>>>>> "Amir" == Amir Karger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Amir> Has something like this been mentioned before?  When you
Amir> collapse a figure, you get a little red "fig". Wouldn't it be
Amir> neat if instead you got the label with which you had labelled
Amir> that fig? (Of course, this wouldn't work if you hadn't put in a
Amir> lable...) In otherwords, if there's a label somewhere in the
Amir> caption inside a fig inset, then the collapsed inset could just
Amir> be a little red box around the gray label.

The question here is whether we should associate labels to the
paragraph itself. There are some cases where this does not replace a
label inset, but I think it would be better in 99% of cases.

Amir> That way, you'd know which figure was where. Otherwise, if I've
Amir> got 50 figures in a row at the end of my document, I need to
Amir> open them all and page through until I find the one I'm looking
Amir> for. With labels, they're easier to see. Of course, with a
Amir> hyperlinked tableoffigures, it might be slightly less
Amir> useful. Still not useless, though.

Yes, the hyperlinked table is the way to go.

Amir> This could of course work for tables too. I wonder if you'd want
Amir> to create a generic way of giving insets labels. I guess the
Amir> problem there is that a latex inset label wouldn't create a
Amir> \label, while a figure inset label would. Might get confusing.

What do you mean by a ``latex inset label''?


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