On Mon, 20 Sep 1999, Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote:

> >>>>> "Allan" == Allan Rae <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Allan> complexity/generality.  We'd need to define how many optional
> Allan> arguements there are and their form (string, int etc) and
> Allan> appropriate labels as well as how to actually write them out --
> Allan> in LaTeX does it use [][]{} or []{}{} or {}{}{} and so on.
> What I do not like in this scheme is that the text you enter in popups
> is plain ascii text and not real LyX text:
> - no accents
> - no transliteration of special characters like &~\%
> - no math formulae, no references...

This is true only until we get our bufferview widget into gui-independent
form then we can create a small buffer in any dialog (remember this was
proposed for the find/replace dialog) that will accept any LyX content.
Of course,  this is a long way off and may be a very interesting

> Therefore, I believe that textual arguments should be edited in LyX
> itself. This is the case for:
> - short titles/captions
> - optional argument to \cite
> - text in URL inset
> In particular, I'd be interested to see ideas for the last 2 items.

How about right click on the paragraph/inset in question gives a
context-sensitive menu of your options like:
        - paragraph-extra popup
        - optional arguement inset

and so on.  This cs-menu can be set from the same sorts of details in the
layout files.  In fact we could even enforce which optional arguements are
set: say a command takes two optional arguements and the second can only
be set if the first is also set that sort of thing.

This allows us a simple way to access optional arguement insets without
having to have little inset tags always present on screen and if they
aren't used then they don't exist and they never have to be processed

Additionally if there is only one option we do that and don't present a
menu.  There is also a special case for a selection:  present a menu with
cut, copy, paste?, LayoutCharacterPopup, "Apply custom char setting" or
whatever else may be appropriate like spellcheck or "Open figure editor"  
for instance.

As an alternative for the last two items in the list:
How about having a two level inset for cite:  if you open the cite inset
you can edit the list of references in the cite popup.  Have a second
button for the optional arguement embedded in the cite insets button that
expands like a footnote for editting as LyX content.  By button I mean the
inset marker,  eg. [foot], that we draw in the bufferview.

For the URL inset and probably the Label inset as well just eliminate the
popup and edit directly in the inset in the bufferview.

Allan. (ARRae)

P.S.  I also think it'd be sweet to upgrade the inset markers to those
used in the old 1.1.x as early as possible in the new 1.1.  And add the
ERT inset also.  Cosmetic features perhaps but it might encourage people
to use the new series earlier since it'd be prettier and less scary

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