OK, folks.

Jean-Marc asked why we never switched over to the new LyX web site that
(Asger and) I worked so hard on building. The only answer I could come up
with was that I've been lazy and haven't mentioned it to anyone since July.

So, I did a minor update (mention v1.0.4 and the new languages), and it's
now available at http://sunsite.auc.dk/lyx.

Asger didn't like the directory structure. However, a few others did and I
didn't have the energy to get rid of all of it anyway. And I believe I
addressed all the other comments about the site.

So, since it contains more information, is (arguably) better structure, is
easier to update (php3), and will be easier to access (sunsite dk vs. via),
I say let's start using it already!

Current things we might want to change:

- there's a separate cookie for each directory. Sorry. I don't really think
  it is changeable.
- Resurrect José's FAQ, update it, and put it on there? (Lars had talked
  about a FAQ-o-matic a long time ago. But I haven't seen it, and José's
version could serve as a "seed" for that, anyway.
- hit counter, if we care
- links all over the site to CVSweb. However, CVSweb isn't working right
  now. (Plus I'm a bit scared to use things like that. Perhaps if we have a
$State$ RCS variable (rcs -s), and CVSweb would only check out the last
'release' thing? Because otherwise, the website might point to
buggy/incorrect files!

What are we waiting for?


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