> Rainer> would be the more natural decision.
> I agree on that. Alejandro, would you have objections? Of course, a
> lot of people who used to use epsilon and be pleased to see it
> displayed on screen will not like that, and I am sure we would get a
> lot of bug reports.
> I do not know what is the best solution now...

Would it be possible to make small 'pictures' of missing symbols
and display them instead of '\epsilon' etc?

Anyway, what's wrong with telling the people the truth? If they want a
'epsilon', they have to type a 'epsilon' and they will see
'epsilon' in ERT. If they want a \varepsilon, they have to type
\varepsilon and they will see a nicely rendered \varepsilon, since the
font happens to know this one. On paper you get what you asked for.
IMO this is much cleaner than the current 'let LyX try to be smart' solution.


Andre' Poenitz ...................... [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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