Here is a the latest version of my Hebrew patch (+ hebrew keymap).
I really want that this patch will be added to the main development branch
(and not a separate branch) since

1. The size of this patch makes it difficult to update the patch against
the CVS: I get a lot of conflicts. ( actually, I get few conflicts in areas
of code which I haven't changed. Does someone know why?)

2. By default, some of my changes are not activated. To enable
the Hebrew support, the line '\rtl true' should be added to lyxrc.
Therefore, my patch should not cause new bugs when not using the Hebrew
support. Also, even with Hebrew support, I didn't find stability problems.

3. My patch also FIX some bugs that I've found:

- Positioning the cursor with the mouse on a label in the list env. 
  which contains hfill is wrong.
- When clicking to the right of the gray box of a footnotes/float, it
  closes the footnote.
- The font display in the mini-buffer is not updated when moving the cursor
  with the mouse, using delete etc.
- When clicking on the right side of math inset which has another editable
  inset  on its right, the cursor does not enter the math inset


1. Install the Hebrew macros from
A simpler way for install these macros is given in

2. Add the following lines to ~/.lyx/lyxrc

\kbmap true
\kbmap_primary american
\kbmap_secondary hebrew
\latex_command elatex
\font_encoding default
\bind "F12" "font-rtl"
\rtl true

You can choose a different primary keymap.
You also need to choose a Hebrew font with \screen_font_roman

3. To write an Hebrew document change the document language to 
Hebrew in the document layout popup. For a document in English
(or other language) that contains Hebrew words, just select the preferred
main language.

4. Select default input encoding in the document layout popup
(is there a lyxrc option to change that?)

5. To switch from Hebrew To English in the middle of a paragraph,
press F12. Furthermore, the whole direction of the paragraph is
determined by the first char.

6. If you need to enter a table in an Hebrew document, you will need to
press F12 at each cell. 
\kmap ` ;
\kmap q /
\kmap w '
\kmap e &qof;
\kmap r &resh;
\kmap t &alef;
\kmap y &tet;
\kmap u &vav;
\kmap i &fnun;
\kmap o &fmem;
\kmap p &pe;

\kmap a &shin;
\kmap s &dalet;
\kmap d ℷ
\kmap f &kaf;
\kmap g &ayin;
\kmap h &yod;
\kmap j &het;
\kmap k &lamed;
\kmap l &fkaf;
\kmap ; &fpe;
\kmap ' ","

\kmap z &zayin;
\kmap x &samekh;
\kmap c &bet;
\kmap v &he;
\kmap b &nun;
\kmap n &mem;
\kmap m &tsadi;
\kmap "," &tav;
\kmap . &ftsadi;
\kmap / .


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