Bennett Helm wrote:
On Oct 9, 2006, at 10:04 AM, Abdelrazak Younes wrote:

Bennett Helm wrote:
On Oct 9, 2006, at 8:15 AM, Timothy Reaves wrote:
I can now confirm that 1.5.0 compiles with gcc-4.2.0 and Qt-4.2. When I have time, I'll rewrite the INSTALL.MacOSX file with updated instructions.

Very good!

(I can also confirm that it's still much too slow for anything but testing.)

If you can find a sponsor that send me a Mac Powerbook for free, I sure will make it as fast as hell ;-)

You're winking, but let me take you seriously. In the US, I can get a 400 MHz G3 iMac for under $100. That's probably about the same speed as my 466 MHz G3 iBook, which I still use regularly. If LyX runs acceptably on that, it ought to run acceptably on just about anything still in use! If I got 4 people to send you $25 each, would that be enough? (What's the used Mac market like in Europe?)


Well, I'd definatly chip it; maybe even more that $25. But I have to ask: what makes anyone thing it can be made faster?

Also, I have a pretty massive XServ I co-locate, and I'm willing to give an account or two, and perhaps even set it up as an automated build server.

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