Michael Gerz wrote:
Helge Hafting wrote:

Do that mean one eventually have to accept 48 changes for
4 hours of continous typing?

Not really. You can select an arbitrary part of your document and just invoke "accept-change", which accepts all changes in the given selection.

How about always merging changes that are next to each other
and happen in the same editing session?

Right now, there is no such concept as an editing session. Moreover, I would like to have meaningful changetimes. MS Word and OOo also keep track of the exact time.

For simplicity, we could assume that adjacent changes of the _same_ author
Same author - of course.
are always merged, where the later time is preserved. In this case, the changetime indicates the latest change in the given section. This leads to less changes and the changetime would still have some meaning. This would also stop our discussion on "difftime" :-)
I was hoping to avoid the case where a "new change" happens
in the middle of something, just because a 5-minute border happened
in the middle of some typing.  So, merging adjacent changes
(by the same author) that only differ by 5 minutes (or whatever the
granularity becomes) is what I'd like.

When coding that, take care so several consecutive chunks gets merged also.
text : 15:05
more text: 15:10
even more text:15:15
last text:15:20

This should all get merged to one piece.  The time difference between
adjacent chunks is only 5 min., even if the difference between the
first and the last is bigger.

Chunks not connected by being adjacent may stay separate,
chances are good they really are separate edits.

With a good merging rule, you may be able to get a reasonably low
number of changes even with a finer granularity of the timestamps.

Such as: any two characters typed within a few seconds clearly
are the same stuff, and should not be separated by a 5-min border.
This implies that someone typing constantly for a long time
will get a single big change.
Someone who take a break will get a new change, but people
don't take a break in the middle of typing a word or sentence.
So this is ok.

Helge Hafting

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