Andreas K. wrote:
Edwin Leuven <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

bad idea imho. it is easy to click once too much and loose the formatting by mistake.


Well, then make it work only for an * or #. which is not followed by any text, i.e., work for this:


but not for


* text...

I think this is a good idea.

BTW, there is always the undo/redo button if one click once too much.

Or one can just click the enumerate or itemize tool button (whichever applies). The "new" environment will automatically be grafted onto the previous one.

I use the key shortcut, but I suspect there are a number of users who do not commit key combinations to memory, and I agree with Andreas that having to futz with the environment drop-down is a bit of a pain. (Sidebar to Andreas: once you click in the environment drop-down, you can keep hitting 's' until you get to standard, which I find easier than scrolling.)

Another possibility might be to have a toolbar button that takes you back to standard environment from whatever you are in.


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