Uwe Stöhr wrote:
 >>        This is the content of the batch file:
 >>        @echo off
 >>        SET LC_ALL=en_EN
 >>        SET AIK_DATA_DIR=D:\program\LyX14\aiksaurus
 >>        start "LyX" "D:\program\LyX14\bin\lyx.exe" %*

No, the current version is e.g.:

@echo off
SET AIK_DATA_DIR=C:\Program Files (x86)\LyX 1.5svn-15-01-2007\aiksaurus
start "LyX" "C:\Program Files (x86)\LyX 1.5svn-15-01-2007\bin\lyx.exe" %*

setting is needed that LyX can be installed in folder/paths with accented characters, umlauts, etc. I've build in a lookup table for the different languages. Unfortunately utf-8 cannot be used, only a cp charset - I found out that this is a windows restriction.

Couldn't this be done from within LyX instead?

>> On Windows, the Aiksaurus data dir location can be set in the registry:
 >>   HKLM\Software\Aiksaurus\Data_Dir
 >>   The environment variable simply overrides the registry setting.
 > Very good then. Uwe, could you modify the package to do that?

I'll check this and change this if it works for me too. I see the problem of multiple installations of LyX. For example when LyX 1.3.7 AND LyX 1.4.x is installed sise by side. Without this setting I have to install aiksaurus in a different folder, independent from LyX, like Aspell. This requires some changes but it's in my opinion worth to be implemented.

Agreed. It would be very nice if you did that.

 >>  The language setting could be asked to the system when LC_ALL or LANG
 >>  are not set in the environment. See for example:
 >>  http://blogs.msdn.com/michkap/archive/2005/02/01/364707.aspx
 >>  http://www.microsoft.com/globaldev/DrIntl/faqs/Locales.mspx

I don't understand what you mean. I know users who use a German Windows but install LyX with Spanish menus. LyX menu language should be independent from Windows' language settings.

Sure but the default proposed language should be German in this case.

> Unless you want a different language than the one defined in LANG. So it is really needed in the > lyxrc.dist. As I see it, the package should ask by default if the system language is OK. If yes, > put nothing in lyxrc.dist, if not ask the user which language he chooses and put that in
 > lyxrc.dist.

What do you mean with "if the system language is OK"?

I mean exactly this:

The current behaviour is: The installer checks the actual Windows language and proposes this one in a droplist.

By default?

So the user can easily choose the language while installing LyX. There's currently set nothing language specific in the lyxrc.dist, only the \path_prefix is set to this file. This can easily be changed if you specify the format how this should be specified (please send me an example lixrc.dist with the language entry).

I have not committed my lyxrc patch yet. But it will be 'gui_language'.

Btw. I want to upload my installer stuff to SVN, is that OK?

Is it an enhancement of Joost code or a completely different code base?


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