
> Georg> What are you talking about now? I don't understand. The part of
> Georg> the patch I mentioned above was the one that changed how
> Georg> special carons are drawn on screen. It does not have anything
> Georg> to do with font encoding or the generated .tex output. Why is
> Georg> it wrong now to apply this patch?

To be still more precise ... let me give you an example ....
The LaTeX "\v{d}" will be drawn in the ps file with the standard caron,
unless the file's encoding is "T1", in which case it will be drawn (in the
ps file) with the "special caron" form.
The LaTeX "\q{d}" will produce a "\q{d} ... Undefined control sequence",
unless you use czech/slovak babel (with or without "T1" encoding).

> >> Just try to put into your preferred .kmap file characters like
> >> "\\euro{}", "\\oe{}", "\\ng{}", "{\\euro}", "{\\oe}", "{\\ng}",
> >> "$\\nicefrac{1}{4}$", "$\\nicefrac{1}{2}$", ... and then try to
> >> press the corresponding key sequence in LyX ... then apply my
> >> patch, recompile LyX ... and try to press the corresponding key
> >> sequence again ... you'll notice the difference. (Note, it's
> >> LyX-1.4, no LyX-1.5 for me for the next couple of years ...)
> Georg> You misunderstood me. I don't question that this works with
> Georg> your patch. I question whether this is how .kmap files are
> Georg> supposed to work. To me it does not look like a bug fix but
> Georg> like a hack to put raw TeX in there.
> The patch would make sense in 1.4 (although I would insert an ERT
> unconditionally instead of trying to be clever).

Please do not put an "unconditional" ERT in that place.
This will make some sequences ERT, while in reality there is no need for
it. Sequences that do not look like "magic" LaTeX code should be emitted
using "insertVerbatim" as it is now (JMarc, see "An accent with a
following space character" in my "european.kmap", ERT in such cases would
be a pain, that is why I introduced the "magic" if ...).

> Georg> PS: You did not answer the question I was most interested in:
> Georg> How are we supposed to convert the special caron to unicode?

I don't think there is any character for the "special caron" foreseen.
The "special caron" seems to be used only with "dlLt", and is considered
a "special" form of the "standard caron" for these four letters (see
wikipedia references that I have given you).
So, possibly U+030C should be used in all cases where "hacek" is ...
regardless if "standard caron" (for most letters) or "special caron"
(special four letters "dlLt") will be emitted ...
I have just found this:
However, as JMarc says, I'm just a trespasser here ...

Last but not least ...

> I was told that qt4 rpms are available from OS vendors for all relevant

You assume here that I can do anything I want with the machine that I am
using at a certain moment, or that the system owners/maintainers will do
everything I tell them to do, including installing packages that are
nonstandard and that apparently nobody needs except me.

Best regards,

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