>>>>> "Abdelrazak" == Abdelrazak Younes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>> The problem is definitely not that the section is numbered.

Abdelrazak> In the LyX context that's definitely the problem. 

Do you have _one_ good reason to believe that??

Abdelrazak> But as I said in the comments, I can replace this test
Abdelrazak> (labeltype == LABEL_COUNTER) with the following:
Abdelrazak> latexname() == "section" || latexname() == "subection" ||
Abdelrazak> ...

What frightens me is that it was not friday yet when you wrote that.

Abdelrazak> AFAICS testing (labeltype == LABEL_COUNTER) is exactly the
Abdelrazak> same. But I will happily move to the more detailled
Abdelrazak> version if needed. This fix is just the starting point,
Abdelrazak> hence the FIXME and the detailed comment.

No the question is to understand _why_ a reference causes a problem
there. My understanding was that it was because the argument to
\section is a moving argument, and I thus propose to just \protect the
\ref. Now Uwe tells us that both Herbert and the hyperref author (who
are better LaTeXnicians than I am) say \ref should not be in \section,
but we still do not know why, and this does not allow us to make a
precise list of the commands that are or are not problematic.

>> Actually nobody told me the very reason why it is necessary. I do
>> not say this is not true (I trust Herbert and Heiko Oberdiek, but I
>> like to know why...).

Abdelrazak> "LateX does not compile" is a sufficient reason for me.

No. You do not cure a problem without understanding the cause. I did
propose a solution for the symptom you describe.

>> Why not do it at the time when the latex code is generated?

Abdelrazak> That would be fine with me for this case. But that would
Abdelrazak> not solve the more general problem. Are you sure that the
Abdelrazak> code for doing that at latex export will be simpler than 5
Abdelrazak> line of code?

I do not care about simpler. I care about correct.

Abdelrazak> You are exaggerating a little bit JMarc.

No. I spent a lot of time since LyX 0.7 to try to understand and
remove such special code.


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