On Sun, Feb 04, 2007 at 12:49:43AM +0000, John Levon wrote:
> On Sat, Feb 03, 2007 at 11:26:56PM +0100, Abdelrazak Younes wrote:
> > Personally I would be interested to do some paid work for LyX. I am 
> > running out of contract in 6 month... maybe I'll do a reconversion in 
> > the software engineering :-). But something disturbs me a bit... is 
> > $55000 a correct year salary in the states?
> It sounds very low to me.

Depends on gross or net. I would switch if somebody offered me that net.
With gross, I would sleep on it...
> I'd love for somebody to get paid for LyX work. AFAIK I'm the only
> person to have ever been paid for that. Maybe we should be apply for
> more grants, I believe there are several available these days up for the
> taking...

Like where? I would be interested. If I would be successful in
attracting the next LyX meeting (summer 2007?) to Finland, I intend to
apply locally for some support. There are literally hundreds of funds in
Finland, but most of them are very small or are unsuitable for us.

BTW under "Mature, well-established codebase":

"The first lines of source code were added to LyX in 1999" 

Huh. I started using 0.7.10 for production work in 1997. Trust me ;-)


- Martin

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