Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote:
> I tried to work around prettyref problems to see how far I could get
> and the result is not very nice on my teTeX 2 setup.
> - caption.sty does not load (I do not know why). It is probably
>   related to some package interaction.

You probably have caption.sty v1 and v2 (a.k.a. caption2.sty) on your box, but 
Uwe's manual requires a (fairly recent) version of caption.sty v. 3 (which is 
again called caption.sty for some odd reason).

> - my colortbl.sty does not have \cellcolor.

This was introduced in
colortbl 2001/02/13 v0.1j

which is "old" enough, I'd say.

> At this point, I gave up. I can accept that teTeX 2 is too old and I
> guess I will be happy if we find some kind of fix for the prettyref
> situation. Also, the manual should state something like "Since this
> manual uses many different packages, it may not be printable if you do
> not have a really up-to-date distribution".

I guess it boils down to the decision whether we want to document all sorts of 
funky features or whether we care to not exclude users who don't have the 
most recent system available.

It's not easy to find the golden mean here.

I'd say that we probably could rely on teTeX 3 nowadays, but _not_ on the very 
latest version of MikTeX or TeXLive, for that matter. The circumstance that 
Uwe writes his (very good) manuals on a fairly recent MikTeX system that 
automatically downloads or updates missing packages probably entails such 
problems (nolens volens), in the same way as developping the frontend with 
the just-released Qt version might result in "silent" requirement bumps, if 
the developers are not over-cautious.


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