> Do you know why he had problems?

Yes, he didn't know that the packages are on CTAN and that the .sty-files are generated by LaTeX out of the .ins/dtx files

> Or he as an experienced LyX user, but never needed to install latex packages 
so far.
> Or he did not do it for a long time and forgot how it worked.
> In all these cases a package manager would not help.

No, exactly in these cases a package manager would help: Open the manager, search for e.g. prettyref, double click on it and it will be downloaded and installed.

So you don't need to know the LaTeX internals or the package repositories but are able to install packages. Maybe you misunderstood me, I don't mean a package manager for LyX but one that should be shipped by LaTeX-distributions.

regards Uwe

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