>>>>> "Matt" == Matt Lowry <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Matt> Now to business. I'm using 1.1.4fix3 here. It seems to me (and
Matt> of course I could be entirely wrong) that LyX has a habit of
Matt> caching figure renderings, but then doesn't do anything at all
Matt> to check the validity of those renderings as the document
Matt> evolves.

That's very surprising, since I thought we do not do any caching... 

Matt> Now I can't speak for the rest of the universe, but personally I
Matt> think it's bloody ridiculous to blindly use a cached rendering
Matt> without the vaguest attempt to ensure the cached rendering is
Matt> coherent with the original figure!

Sure, but I am not sure it is the case. The plan anyway is to scrap
the existing figureinset and rewrite something completely different. I
do not know when this will happen, though.


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