
The rendering has been like this as long as I can remember.  It is irritating. 
What's even weirder if you cut and paste figures from one doc into another in a
different directory.  Now if you're using realtive paths then it doesn't use
the figure local to the new directory but keeps the old figure.  You have to
close down Lyx and reopen the doc to get the figs to update.

> Matt> Now to business. I'm using 1.1.4fix3 here. It seems to me (and
> Matt> of course I could be entirely wrong) that LyX has a habit of
> Matt> caching figure renderings, but then doesn't do anything at all
> Matt> to check the validity of those renderings as the document
> Matt> evolves.
> That's very surprising, since I thought we do not do any caching... 
> Matt> Now I can't speak for the rest of the universe, but personally I
> Matt> think it's bloody ridiculous to blindly use a cached rendering
> Matt> without the vaguest attempt to ensure the cached rendering is
> Matt> coherent with the original figure!
> Sure, but I am not sure it is the case. The plan anyway is to scrap
> the existing figureinset and rewrite something completely different. I
> do not know when this will happen, though.
> JMarc

Ben Cazzolato

Fluid Dynamics and Acoustics Group
Institute of Sound and Vibration Research
University of Southampton,
Southampton, SO17 1BJ

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