On 26-May-2000 Carlos wrote:
> Hi
> I'm a user of Lyx.
> I think that with the current Lyx 1.1.4fix3 released (May21, 2000)
> it is not possible ('is it true? I think so')  to make Lyx or Latex (any package)
> to alphabetically sort the rows of a table, with, for example, 
> a list of names or a list of words. 
> I'm a teacher and I need to handle in alphabetical order the names or/and 
> surnames of my students, lists of words, vocabularies, strings... every day.
> Is it possible in the future, in other version of Lyx?

Maybe, but don't count on it, as there is a lot of other important work
todo (obviously we would accept a patch for this if it's made in a clean
way and for the tabular insets as the normal tabulars are doomed to
dissapear :). In any case I'll put your request in my todo folder.



Dr. Jürgen Vigna                      E-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Italienallee 13/N                     Tel:    +39-0471-450260
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Love sometimes expresses itself in sacrifice.
                -- Kirk, "Metamorphosis", stardate 3220.3


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