I emailed one of the major devleopers, not quite sur who, a lfew days back a 
proper solution based on the followiing fragment

\hfil{\bf ##\unskip:\ }&\vtop{\parindent=0pt\hsize=\dimen0##\hfil\par}\cr%
\dimen0=\textwidth\advance\dimen0 by -\wd0\hw{#1}%
  In node addition & Let $G=(V,E)$. Adding $v\not\in V$ at~$n\in V$
  produces the graph $G'=(\,V\cup\{ v \}, E\cup \{ (v,n) \}\,)$.\cr
  Out node addition & Let $G=(V,E)$. Adding $v\not\in V$ at~$n\in V$
  produces the graph $G'=(\,V\cup\{ v \}, E\cup \{ (n,v) \}\,)$.\cr

 <... the rest of the iterms deleted...>

\hl does exactly what the desciption wants to do, provided the atgument does 
not mind being typeset twice. I also suggested how one might turn this into an 
environment. How does it work?

Puts a version of the list with 1000pt paragraph width in box0.

unboxes \box0 witht the result than \box0 now contains the rist column of the 
first row. Hence \wd0 is the widest label width and the rest is left as an 
exercise for the reader. This magic was made possible by the completeness and 
quality of the infroamtion in Volume of A of computers and typsetting.

Page breaks int ethe middle of the list work fine, in case you were wondering. 
For the alignments do

   Left  : <entry>\hfill   the \hfill overpowers The intiailhfil.
   Center: <<entry>\hfil   both hfils get the same width
    Right: <entry>         The intial hfil does the right thing

Has anyone got any serious objections aart from using plain TeX magic?
Duncan (-:
"software industry, the: unique industry where selling substandard goods is
legal and you can charge extra for fixing the problems."

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