I'll try, but how do I do this?  Is there some svn command for
reverting to a specific version?
i'm not aware of any direct revert command of svn.
however you can checkout particular revision of the svn tree
(i.e. the 18265 revision).
svn up -r VERSION

In order to revert a specific changeset, you can do something like this: say you want to revert changeset 12345:

svn diff -r 12345:12344 > /tmp/undo-12345.diff
patch -p0 < /tmp/undo-12345.diff

That will apply the "reverse difference" between 12344 and 12345 to the current tree.

Actually, I now see that there's a way to do this all at once. See http://svnbook.red-bean.com/nightly/en/svn.branchmerge.commonuses.html#svn.branchmerge.commonuses.undo (in general, the svnbook is a great resource --- and the definitive one, I believe --- for anyone working with svn...)

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