Jürgen Spitzmüller wrote:

> Georg Baum wrote:
>> This does also mean that at the time when the language encoding of some
>> languages was changed to latin9 there should have been a lyx2lyx change,
>> because old documents with encoding setting auto and ° in math or text
>> will not work anymore.

BTW this would not be correct either for multilanguage docs.

> But it dosen't work either in latin1 if you use textcomp. I don't see a
> difference.

I did not use textcomp, this is a separate problem. The problem that was
originally reported is a pure inputenc problem. Without using textcomp you
get the following:

                            latin1   latin9
° in math                   works    does not work
\textdegree in math         works    works
° in text                   works    does not work
\textdegree in text (ERT)   works    works

This is with TeXLive 2005. It might be fixed in newer versions of the
inputenc package, but ° with latin9 encoding does definitely not work with
TeXLive 2005. The error message is

! Package inputenc Error: Keyboard character used is undefined
(inputenc)                in inputencoding `latin9'.


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