Richard Heck wrote:

> Georg Baum wrote:
>> Richard Heck wrote:
>>> This is the result of a problem that Uwe noticed the other day with the
>>> MikTeX implementation of the htlatex scripts: The scripts will not run
>>> properly unless they are run in the same directory as the original file.
>> Several other converters (e.g. lilypond) have the same limitation.
>> Therefore LyX changes to the temp dir before running the converter. It
>> would even be possible to call the converter with relative filenames, I
>> am not sure anymore why absolute paths are used.
> Don't know. It was that way before.

I know, because it was me who changed it from relative to absolute paths ;-)
What I don't know anymore are the reasons for doing so, and whether they do
still exist.

>> IMHO if you create a subdirectory LyX
>> should change to that subdirectory before running the converter.
> It does.
>>> The solution suggested in some
>>> earlier discussion was to ship a small shell script with LyX that would
>>> copy the .tex file to the temporary directory and then run htlatex on
>>> that file. Thoughts?
>> The .tex file _is_ in the temporary direcory. All conversions are run in
>> the temp dir, I hope you did not change that.
> I didn't. I meant it should copy it to the NEW temporary directory, e.g.:
> /tmp/lyx_098weras/lyx_tmpbuf0/file.html.conversion/
> which is where the converted files will be dumped.

Why not do that in LyX (with the copier to fix paths of included files) and
call the converter with the copied file, with the current working directory
being the new temp dir? In fact I assumed that you did that. In theory it
wastes some disk space and time for copying, but I believe that you won't
notice that in practice and the benefit of not having to create a wrapper
script outweighs the disadvantage.


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