I just tried what you say, and find that
1) after changing the zoom factor, a new math inset is previewed with the old zoom factor, as all other math insets 2) after closing and reopening my document; text and math previews have been zoomed in the same way
Le 5 juin 07 à 15:25, Bennett Helm a écrit :

On Jun 5, 2007, at 9:19 AM, Jean Kaplan wrote:

Le 5 juin 07 à 14:59, Bennett Helm a écrit :

One thing I don't understand is why changing zoom % does not alter math preview sizes. Shouldn't it?

It does, at least on my mac. If I change the Zoom factor and click "apply", only the text seems to change size, but if you close your and reopen your document, then you see that text and math previews have been zoomed by the same factor.

Yes -- it does in that case. However, when I change the Zoom % and *then* create a new math inset (or alter an old one to force regeneration of the preview), it has no effect. It should, I think.


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