On Mon, Jun 11, 2007 at 06:57:07PM +0200, Jürgen Spitzmüller wrote:

> A general problem I see is the following: I assume (but I'm not sure) 
> IEEETran.cls is mostly used by people who actually want to submit a LaTeX 
> file to an IEEE journal. In this case it might be relevant that your solution 
> produces a significantly "uglier" LaTeX file just for the sake of displaying 
> MakeBoth on screen. I'm not sure if this is worth it.

On second thoughts, I think I agree with you, even if one have nonetheless
to edit the latex file in order to trim other things lyx puts in the preamble.

> If you think it is, then I suggest to add the preamble definitions to the 
> MarkBoth definition in the layout file, so that it is only inserted if 
> MarkBoth is actually used. And then document the pros and cons of both 
> solutions, especially for people who want to submit their file to a journal.

Well, either we remove the MarkBoth environment or actually add code
to the preamble in order to avoid a latex failure when someone uses
MarkBoth in the document without disabling babel. Also take into account
the fact that one may have old files using the IEEEtran class with MarkBoth,
and it is a real nuisance having to disable babel.

I don't think removing MarkBoth is feasible without breaking those old
documents (without a format change?), so maybe your solution could be
complemented with mine but modified as you suggest, i.e., adding the
preamble stuff to the MarkBoth definition in the layout file.

In this way, using \markboth in the preamble is encouraged, but MarkBoth
in the document is still possible.


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