On Mon, 2007-06-18 at 12:40 +0200, Hellmut Weber wrote:
> Hi Darren, don't you think that calling a lyx behaviour 'gestapo 
> behaviour' is inappropriate?

I don't think I spent any more than three seconds on it and hadn't
considered it to be anything other than a little colourful. I was
referring to the heavy-handed policing which LyX is now applying to
extra white-space and I think I made my point.

Yes, if somebody reading that had suffered at the hands of the gestapo,
then I can see that they might be upset... so I am sorry and will be
more careful. I live in a place and time where the concept exists only
in books and on TV and it just didn't seem important. If you or any of
the recipients are or know Jews who suffered during WWII then I am
especially sorry.

> I'll send my mail certainly open to the list, I was just to quick and 
> didn't change the address for my replay.
> So I send this mail to the list as cc

You sent it to the wrong list by the way. Now a second, much larger
group of people is potentially offended.

Also I didn't invite you to send my private reply to you to any list,
that is just bad manners. Please don't do that again! To me this is the
bigger offence, and it gives me the impression that it is you who wanted
a flame-war.

Have fun,

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