>>>> 6) (One other bug!). We should add the command 
>>>> "\selectlanguage{farsi}" as an ERT as the first line of the 
>>>> document.

>>> No need for this. When the document language is Farsi, no switch is 
>>> needed. For later switches, this 
>>> is currently correctly done by LyX.
>> Again as I said this bug is due to ARABI package. In the previous 
>> email I have attached the example_lyxified.lyx. Try to compile it as it 
>> is and then try to compile it without the first line containing the 
>> ERT. You will see that LyX will complain about some undefined characters. 
>> Again since this is a bug of LyX we should not change the source again 
>> as I said before!

> I can see no difference. With and without the ERT command, the result 
> is identical.

I checked this issue after applying the patches. Still I 
have problem if I don't put the mentioned ERT. Something 
is wrong!!!!!!

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