Paul Smith wrote:

Thanks, Steve. If it is not a bug, then many users like me -- I guess
-- would be very happy if they were given the option of choosing as
global the change of language, i.e., affecting all paragraphs and not
only the the new ones.
I think this is a bug, in the "paste" mechanism.
You can change the language of all paragraphs
(except those with  an exlicit foreign language)  by changing the
document language. But this only works if you _wrote_ the document
that way. If you _pasted_ as little as a single word from a document
with another language, then this screws up. (_Writing_ that
foreign word and using edit->text style to mark it foreign will
work - you can still change the document language and have
everything else change with it.)

I tested and reported this as bug 4062

Helge Hafting

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