>> Where do you think that LyX needs more attention?
> 2. I would like to have direct ODF (or word) export after our XML
> transition. Of course, this will encourage us to design a file format
> that is as close to ODF as possible.
To what extent does oolatex not do this? Granted, it could work better.

I have never make oolatex working. Actually, it worked once a few
years ago but the whole layout was messed up.

Could possibly be borrowed from KDE apps, with appropriate adjustments.


> Layout overhaul:
> 1. embedding layout?
> 2. modualized layouts?
These are orthogonal, yes? In any event, (1) would be easy to implement
if we had (i) my modular stuff, which is almost working, and (ii) a
"layout" pane similar to the preamble pane where you could enter layout
info on the fly. Embedding would then be a simple matter of dumping all
the layout info into that pane---I mean, that's how it would seem to the

So they are in your hand now. :-)

> 3. layout edit dialog?
This would rock. I've thought about it a bit, and surely it can't be
that hard. The backend essentially exists.

This as well. :-)


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