Helge Hafting ha scritto:
If you di this - please make that a progress bar (or similiar) inside
the main window - _not_ a popup thing. :-)
Ok, guess smth. besides (or embedded into) the status bar. Despite
the appearence, I guess the main problem is that LyX has a single
thread design. So, if you have a long activity to be run externally to
the current doc (let's say compiling a LaTeX/PS/PDF), it is safe to
let the user keep modifying the doc. On the other hand, if the activity
needs access to the doc, user activities should be inhibited (this
is perfectly done by a very long Gui callback, even though it is not good
to see), but at least there should be a way to cancel it if the user
wants so (and this is not doable from within a long Gui callback).
The best support for external (potentially long) activities I've ever seen
within applications is the one of Eclipse, where user may even start or
enqueue multiple activities, the system keeps track of dependencies
among them, if any, and a progress dockable window may always be
popped up by the user so to see what is not done yet and the state
of advance of each activity. At last, if the user makes an operation
that requires one of the activities to complete, then the user interaction
is blocked until completition of that activity.

But probably, I don't want to "use a cannon to shoot to a fly".


Tommaso Cucinotta, Computer Engineering PhD, Researcher
ReTiS Lab, Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna, Pisa, Italy
Tel +39 050 882 024, Fax +39 050 882 003

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